Site injections in arms for growth????


New member
My arms are a lagging bodypart right now, but i changed my split to fix that. I was wondering, how many of you on here have done site injections into your arms and got better growth that way? I was thinkin of using tren, since im gonna be doing EOD injections, do both biceps heads, and the lateral and long heads of the triceps. What do you think?
I did not work for me. At first your arms will look bigger due to inflamation, but once that wears off all the extra size will disappear as well.
Ive been doing eq/winny in my shoulders very often this cycle, and damn my shoulders are so ripped and defined now, it worked for me, not so much on the size end, but it worked.
Well doesnt have variable info about hittin differend heads of a muscle. Any of you vets or mods wanna throw me some details and special info on hittin spacifically both heads of the bicepsand lateral and long heads of triceps?

Lookin for guage to use, how deep the muscle might be (16inch arms :() Where exactly would you suggest i hit?
I used Tren for biceps and shoulders......You can tell the difference.....I love it plus it didn't hurt.....
Has anyone injected any water base stuff? Suspension? Winstrol (winny)? B12? Kyno? Would it have the same effect as oil based?
Ive done plenty of site injections bis tris shoulders and with plenty of sucess just be careful look where your veins are.My arms are right at 20"with eq in the bis and tris and deca in my delts 400mg of both but want to try some tren.Rotate every day and post me of your sucess just want to know what works for you!
If site injections hit that muscle better, then theoretically if all you inject is your glutes, you could get a huge ass? Yeah, this sounds like a dumb question, but I'm really wondering

so yall are saying it does work if you injected it into your arms and they will grow more faster, because my arms are the only body part is laging ??????
anybody else will shine some light on this subject because i was wondering will it help my arms to grow faster if i injected prop and tren into them???
I would inject Tren but not Prop....or depends on what type of Prop you have......but then again DG does T400 in his
my ass should be fucking the size of oprahs. i have done 12 weeks of glute shots only and thats three shot a week, but today i did my first quad shot..
my ass never got big, and i do lunges and squats, normal size still.
i dont believe that spot injections work. it just gets dissapated into your blood and then go to the muscles. thats it, it doesnt knock on the door of the closest cell and say, hey he shot me here he wants you to get bigger so let me in and we can grow together. its an OVERALL thing not a spot thing. IMO
I ahve actually read about bodybuilders that quit doing glute injections because their asses got huge. This is only what I have heard, in my opinion spot injections do work though bro