six months until contest


New member
I have six months until my first contest, I want to try and put on some more LBM so I was thinking about trying to bulk for about 3 months and then that would give me about 12 weeks to diet. I don't know my current bodyfat exactly because I tried to take it myself, and I believe if I did the measurements that I could right it was about 10%, I'm about 220lbs, and about 5' 9" any recomendations????
Forgot to ask...what is a good calorie count per lb of LBM for bulking???? 20-25 for starters??? with a ratio of 60% C, 25%P, and 15%fat??
First - You need to give yourself more time then 12 weeks (especially since this is your first contest),

Second base your decision on how much fat you need to lose - Typically 16 weeks will be good (if you really are 10% - how you did it on your own i'm not sure) however if your overally fat and never competed give yourself 20 weeks (IE: 15 - 20% BF). Also this will depend on if your using AAS.

Third - Don't try and add any extra size at this point. Just concentrate on getting in good foods. The actual amount of LBM you will put on at this point is minimal - And will proabably be lost during dieting since you have not had the chance for your body to get used to it.

Fourth - The best advice yet!! Get yourself someone that trains individuals for contests (preferably someone that has a good reputation) and let him do the hard work. Listen and DO everything he says -

Good Luck