Skinny guy needs help


New member
Hi all. I have been struggling all my life to gain weight to no avail and have a fast metabolism. I am now 28 at 5'9" and 140 pounds and have been subjected to "waiting to get older for my metabolism to slow down". I went through probably thousands of dollars in protein shakes and supplements like Nutraments and literally love me lol. I have joined a gym and tried continual exercise and increased my calorie intake (intermittently). Nothing works. I'm tired of being told I look 17 (not really), and although I am fond of the idea that I might be immortal, I would like to be a solid 175-180 at 5'9". I am still conducting research on steroids and see that Anavar has the least chances of turning into estrogen, which I definitely don't need. So... Are there any suggestions that I already haven't tried that will put a good 30 pounds on me in two years or less? Yeah, I don't want to wait till i'm in my mid thirties. If there is any suggestion on relatively "safe" (yeah right) steroids out there can you tell me how and what to use, and how to prevent my balls from shrinking?

Thanks a bunch!
It looks like you need a solid diet and not steroids. Most of the supplements out there are shit and wont do anything for you especially if you want to substitute real food with shakes then you are screwed.

Go to the diet section and check out this thread:

read the first post then tell 3j what you posted here let him know how your meal plan looks like in details and he will fix it up for ya

You need to know what to eat and matter what your metabolism is you will get grate results if you eat right

After you're done with your diet go to the training forum and find a good mass routine...good training is the each muscle group only once a week lift heavy and dont over more than 12 sets per muscle group but that depends on your routine...check out the 5x5 in training forum i like it

After you get everything above in check come here and ask for aas advice
It looks like you need a solid diet and not steroids. Most of the supplements out there are shit and wont do anything for you especially if you want to substitute real food with shakes then you are screwed.

Go to the diet section and check out this thread:

read the first post then tell 3j what you posted here let him know how your meal plan looks like in details and he will fix it up for ya

You need to know what to eat and matter what your metabolism is you will get grate results if you eat right

After you're done with your diet go to the training forum and find a good mass routine...good training is the each muscle group only once a week lift heavy and dont over more than 12 sets per muscle group but that depends on your routine...check out the 5x5 in training forum i like it

After you get everything above in check come here and ask for aas advice

Awesome! Thanks for the advice I feel like Im on my way :jump: