Hi all. I have been struggling all my life to gain weight to no avail and have a fast metabolism. I am now 28 at 5'9" and 140 pounds and have been subjected to "waiting to get older for my metabolism to slow down". I went through probably thousands of dollars in protein shakes and supplements like Nutraments and GNC.com literally love me lol. I have joined a gym and tried continual exercise and increased my calorie intake (intermittently). Nothing works. I'm tired of being told I look 17 (not really), and although I am fond of the idea that I might be immortal, I would like to be a solid 175-180 at 5'9". I am still conducting research on steroids and see that Anavar has the least chances of turning into estrogen, which I definitely don't need. So... Are there any suggestions that I already haven't tried that will put a good 30 pounds on me in two years or less? Yeah, I don't want to wait till i'm in my mid thirties. If there is any suggestion on relatively "safe" (yeah right) steroids out there can you tell me how and what to use, and how to prevent my balls from shrinking?
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks a bunch!