Slapped in the face by a crane


New member
So today at work I was using a jib crane to lift up one of the parts I build to move it off my table (Now I've been bitching about this crane for 2 weeks to my boss and everyone else because its not level and it rolls to the stops at the end every time u use it) Well it started rolling while i was hooking it up so I pulled on the chain to bring it back the next thing I know it falls of the rollers and hits me in the face and my shoulder, So I jsut stood there for what felt like an hour but was really less than a second and I tasted blood then blood started pouring out of my mouth and nose, now through some sort of miracle it did not break my nose or any of my teeth, So at first it felt like someone punched me in the nose uncomfortable but not intolerable, I'm sure it was due to the shock. So they called my wife to come take me to the minor ER(which is BS jsut because its a work related accident) Once I get loaded in the car the pain starts setting in and holy shit it hurt like hell, By far the worst pain I've ever had, Hurt so bad I started getting sick to my stomach, then we get stuck behind a freakin train and we finally get to the "minor ER" and they say oh this is head trauma you have to go to the Hospital, so back in the car we go and drive across town to the ER and then I wait about an hr for any kinda pain meds or for the nausea, So I get all my xrays and paperwork done then the morphen starts to wear off then the DR decides to do my stitches and uses what feels like a 10G needle to numb my lip, So I ended up with 2 stitches inside my mouth and no broken bones, Now my shoulder hurts pretty bad and I cant hardly chew so diet and exersice are out of the picture for at least a week, I know I'm very lucky cuz just 2 more inches and it woulda landed on top of my head and most likely killed me. But by the grace of god I'm here with jsut a little road rash. And is it bad that the first thing I thought was "Fuck I'm not gonna get to lift tonight"? Jsut thought I would share my eventfull story with ya'll
so are you gonna get paid for this mishap?

Yes... I have to go in to the companies preferred DR. in the morning to follow up and he will tell me when I can go back to work.. Which he will probably try and rush it since the company is paying him. My boss told me to take as much time off as I need and they'll make it right. I'm sure I'll be fine come Monday But I feel like Brock Lesnar beat on my face for three 5 minute rounds right now
Yes I'm a welder but not union, I went to the Workers comp dr today and he told me not to lift for 2 weeks but said I could go back to work on monday where I lift things all day... sounds to me like he's tryin to rush me back to work so I wont get paid for days off, I have to check back up with him Monday but if my arm still hurts and he says go back to work I'll go get a 2nd opinion from my primary care Physician
3 words of wisdom


fuck it- make a sob story, say you have mental issues, act like a psycho in psychoanalysis, sue for 20 mil, catch a fatty settlement, and retire man... who the fuck needs to deal with getting hit in the head with a crane!!! Life's too short brother, get your money & retire!
I hope your works safety committee takes this seriously. Complete bullshit that they let you handle unsafe machinery.

I don't think you will be able to sue them because you chose to use something you knew was unsafe....unless they of course "forced" you to.
Get a good lawyer dude. Any attorney will take this case...I know people who've been in similar situations- the better your lawyer the more you collect. Period.
Yeah man, never pass up an opportunity to sue incompetent employers who are only concerned with making money and neglecting safety.
That sucks bro,its to bad your not union you would have a lot more options and ppl backing you like your steward and shop forman.
My advice is get everything documented EVERYTHING medical bc if you do sue there is usually a thresh hold of a money limit before you can,so get all medical bills and becareful the shop you work for will be looking out for there best interest.
BTW love your new Avatar Greazy

since your not union im gonna school you real quick.. a WELDER is a machine that welds.. a WELDOR is a man that welds with a WELDER.. capiche? if you were union you they would have taught you that.... also if you were a union WELDOR this would have never happened because youd be laid off right now like myself.. lmao.. all kidding aside bro get a lawyer before this goes any further.. its every man for himself right now.. and nomatter what you think your company could care less about you.. people that are rich, are rich for a reason.. goodluck..
for sure get a lawyer. i used to weld years ago. i fell and broke my back in 2 places. the company did everything they could to fuck me. i was in pain for years and years but hey didnt give a shit even if they say that they will take care of you. they will alright right to the unemployment line sue the fucker and get whats yours.
Well you guys were right... They havent let me work all week and told me I'm not getting paid, So I have an attorney and a Personal doc to testify. The paperwork will start next week. And whats bad is if they woulda jsut paid me my disability til I can work again that woulda been it, But now they've pissed me off and I'm going for all I can. I always said I would never sue anyone but the shoe is on the other foot now, They fucked me now its my turn.

Greazy.... Down here We get slapped for calling it a welder. if someone calls it a Welder there new, the older guys call them Welding machines and the guys who use them are called Welders... As far as the union goes I have no idea never joined, So they probably do it the way your saying, I was a Welder for another shop(oilfield company) and was laid off for 14 months just went back to work about 8 weeks ago now I'm hurt. I am attending school though so I'm done with this welding shit, Who knows maybe I'll get a big enough settlement I wont have to work til I graduate
Well you guys were right... They havent let me work all week and told me I'm not getting paid, So I have an attorney and a Personal doc to testify. The paperwork will start next week. And whats bad is if they woulda jsut paid me my disability til I can work again that woulda been it, But now they've pissed me off and I'm going for all I can. I always said I would never sue anyone but the shoe is on the other foot now, They fucked me now its my turn.

Greazy.... Down here We get slapped for calling it a welder. if someone calls it a Welder there new, the older guys call them Welding machines and the guys who use them are called Welders... As far as the union goes I have no idea never joined, So they probably do it the way your saying, I was a Welder for another shop(oilfield company) and was laid off for 14 months just went back to work about 8 weeks ago now I'm hurt. I am attending school though so I'm done with this welding shit, Who knows maybe I'll get a big enough settlement I wont have to work til I graduate

get 'em bro