Slightly OT: "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"


New member
Anyone read this? I'm not a rider, but this book has a large following and I tend to like people who like this book.
I've read it, and I have to admit that I'm due for a re-read because at the time, I didn't get much from it.

#####edited to not ruin the book for everyone else ###########
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If my boss recommends this dumb ass book to me one more time I'm going to tender my resignation.
Thanks for the spoiler! I'm halfway through.

I'm just figuring out the Phaedrus stuff. Didn't make sense at first, until the pieces fall into place.
Well, the spoiler I think was in the liner notes of the back, not the 'story' itself. Sorry!
i have not read the book, but by the title of it, the author must have been a Ducati owner?

or are we talking about a metaphor?
I don't happen to recall Ducati's being involved, I believe we're talking 1970s (just FYI I know Ducks have been around) and the concentration is not really on the bikes but on the trip the man takes with his son, and a couple friends are on some of the journey too. They are on their bikes and such, but the zen part doesn't mean overcoming frustration due to desmodronic valve adjustments or anything :)