small fina pellets still in solution


mPUA "el diablo"
So i decided I didnt need to crush the pellets-(not in a hurry right now)

I let them sit overnight in the solution--there is def a split between the
binder gunk and the "brownish" liquid at the top---but at the bottom
of the gunk there still appears to be some vermy small fina pellets

What can i do to make sure these desolve??---shaking it doesnt do
anything cuz the are stuck in the gunk---should i heat?:confused:
heat on a hot plate or eye of the stove for about 10 minutes swirling occassionally and they will dissolve. medium low heat will work. after you add it to oil and shake well you can heat again and it will seperate in 15-30 minutes for filtering. just draw off the gold and leave the crap at the bottom, if you heat it right the stuff at the bottom will cake up and make drawing off the gold a breeze. filtering will be easier as well. just done get it too hot or it will damage the filters/syringe. good luck.