Smell?? Too much protein???


New member
Question... I am a very clean person!!!, however i have this burnt smell when i start to sweat when i work out??? I am wondering if it is from all the protein i am taking in or the supplements that i take???? does anyone have this problem??? I know it sounds gross, however after i take a bath i smell it in my hair too??? i don't tan in a tanning bed, and have started taking different supplements??? does anyone have any ideas on what this may be???? :dunno: :help:
Could be the supplements you are taking. I too am a very clean person and certain Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can change your body odor. I was showering twice a day when I was taking durabolin and still using a lot of deodorent. Chelsea
I don't know what it is however it smells like i have tanned and was burned, but I have not tanned.... it comes out in my sweat and after i get out of the shower i still smell it under my hair, it is really weird. Someone mentioned me being Ketosis, however i don't know what that feels like or how i would know if i am in it????
right now as of this time today i have taken in about 50% of my total protein, eating eggs, protein shake, chicken, hamburger meat... etc.?? do you think that has something to do with it??? it is so weird???
Whats the rest of your diet? Are you eating any carbs? I do know that ketosis causes a strange smelling breath so I would guess it could cause a body odor. Ive never done a keto diet before so I wouldnt know. You might get more responses in the diet forum because this forum is only for anabolics so some people may not read the post here. Chelsea
When you take in alot of protein your sweat can have a very strong amonia smell. This has happened to me. The prohormone I take 4OHdeca also causes a very strong odor. Likely due to the fact it is an oil is an oral polylipid. Also makes urine extemely strong...and well...when you work out and stink. Fortunately my training partner is used to it and he hasn't complained too much. But I guess we just have to deal... :)
yea, i don't know, however everyone is asking if i am on a ckd diet.... what does that mean??
It stands for cyclical keto diet. Its basically a high protein, low carb diet. Yes, I would say that is probably what you are on if you are eating 50% protein and low carbs. Chelsea
well when i am in ketosis it is very yellow, so that would have something to do with it???? i do drink alot of water, but no matter how much i drink, it stays strong until i carb up.
i have noticed alot of inches dropping off of me!!! yea!!!!! I just worry about the diet for being in ketosis, it just doesn't seem that healthy to me.... not going to stay on it too long, however i can get addicted to the fat loss!
i know what you mean about fat loss. how do you plan to prevent rebound weight gain? you know, when you introduce your body to carbs, and you body says OH MY GOD CARBS! STORE STORE STORE!!!

i don't know how i will prevent the weight gain, however i have been doing the low carb around 20grams a day for the week, and then carb up on the weekends, i haven't noticed any weight gain while doing this, basically staying the same....I guess it is going to be a life long thing huh???