
phoenixphyre said:
Exactly!! My baby has learned so well!! Salads are what save me from certain faliure at times!!

Since I don't like salad dressings, I use fresh salsa on the salad as well...

Very easy to make if you don't have access to the fresh stuff; just chop up some tomatoes, onions, garlic, a pinch of Oregano, a tablespoon of fresh lime juice, jalapeno and/or serranos chilis and then throw it into a food processor or blender...just don't liquify it...

If you find that you like Tuna better, then by all means, eat that instead. Since I've burned myself out on egg whites, I eat alot of Tuna...though, I usually cook a big batch of chicken breasts that last me a few days and keep that in the fridge.

Get yourself a food scale if you don't already have one; then you can accurately weigh your food out as well..
Protein Pancakes

Here's a recipe from an early thread I placed a few months ago:

Here's another good recipe that I acquired for Protein Pancakes:

4-5 egg whites
1/2 cup of non-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup of oats
You may add some Vanilla or Almond Extract, as well as some Cinammon and Nutmeg to enhance the flavor.

Blend the ingredients up (in a blender) and cook in a skillet like regular pancakes.
phoenixphyre said:

If you find that you like Tuna better, then by all means, eat that instead. Since I've burned myself out on egg whites, I eat alot of Tuna...though, I usually cook a big batch of chicken breasts that last me a few days and keep that in the fridge.

I can eat whole eggs out the ying-yang, but I've never developed a tolerance for whites. I've even tried making omelettes with one yolk for every two whites, and that was still too gross. Since I'm still pretending to be bulking, I go through a dozen eggs/day.:fart:

On the other hand, I can eat tuna right out of the can. I usually have to pour the water off for the cats though, they'll lap that stuff up in no time.

I get boneless, skin-on chicken breasts, frozen, by the bag at Sam's Warehouse. If I cook 'em with the skin on, then discard the skin before eating, the texture is better than I can get with skinless breasts. Chicken breasts are the ONLY thing I can cook in the Foreman grill that comes out palatable; any other meat comes out tasting like Jr. High cafeteria institutional food. Bleah!


I use this brand of tomato sauce...the Mexican Festival one to be specific..
and I chop up my chicken breasts and I simmer it inside of this sauce. Since the one I use is spicy, I don't add anything else. Cooking it in this fashion makes it palatable...
dnb -

Sorry for the delay bro, but sometimes work must intrude. It must be nice to have weekends off! Anyway, let's go throgh your questions one by one:

Thermogenics are important, but then again, so is your health. Some people are able to tolerate them; others can't. Don't put yourself at risk and take them just because I say so. Skip the thermogenics, stick to your diet and cardio, and you'll be fine.

When I started the diet, I was at 200 lbs. I've been on for three weeks (as of Fri.) and have dropped 20 lbs. (yikes!). The majority of it came off very quickly and was most assuredly water. The weight loss has leveled off now, thankfully. I don't believe that I've lost a great deal of muscle mass so far, and now that I'm better tuned in to my diet, things should go much smoother from here.

I'm not going to sit here and blow sunshine up your butt and tell you that my bench has gone up 50 lbs. and I'm close gripping 315 for reps anymore, because I'm not. Truth be told, my strength has indeed gone down. But, take solace my friend. It's from a combination of things, not necessarily bad things either. For one thing, I'm losing weight. Also, my calorie intake makes it so that I'm not as energetic in the gym anymore. But, I think the main issue is the type of workout that I'm doing now. Before, when I was bulking, I was lifting very heavy (4-8 reps) and taking as much time as I felt I needed in between sets. My training now is totally different. The reps have gone up (10-15) and the rest period between sets has diminished greatly (usu. no more than 45 sec.). Of course, training with that intensity, your strength won't hold up. But, if you realize that fact going into the diet, and are able to accept and come to terms with it, you can avoid the need to drown your sorrows in pizza!! I will admit, it DID take some getting used to, but if you adhere to the diet and the training, the results will make it so much easier to stick to.

That's it, man. So take what you think you need from this, put some of your own preferences in there, and get to work! I'm sure you'll do fine, bro. Any more questions, feel free to ask.
STANG 98 said:
When I started the diet, I was at 200 lbs. I've been on for three weeks (as of Fri.) and have dropped 20 lbs. (yikes!). The majority of it came off very quickly and was most assuredly water. The weight loss has leveled off now, thankfully. I don't believe that I've lost a great deal of muscle mass so far, and now that I'm better tuned in to my diet, things should go much smoother from here.

What are your goals with this diet? How long do you plan to stay on it? And then what?

We're starting from very different places. I'll be lucky if I end up at a BF level anywhere near where you were when you STARTED dieting (judging by the butt shot :moon:).

I've got about another month to get bulking out of my system and get my mind right about cutting. It'll probably take me that long to get to where I can do any meaningful cardio, too. I stopped doing any cardio when I was on d-bol, due to the wicked back pain. Over the past week I've tried re-introducing some low-impact cardio -- long walks -- and have been getting massive shin splints. I guess my legs aren't used to this much weight. I'm hoping that if I keep trying to go a little farther every day, I'll be able to work through the shin splints eventually. Under normal conditions, I can walk my little 3.5 mile circuit in an hour, but at present I can't even make the one-mile mark.

Mr. dB said:
What are your goals with this diet? How long do you plan to stay on it? And then what?

We're starting from very different places. I'll be lucky if I end up at a BF level anywhere near where you were when you STARTED dieting (judging by the butt shot :moon:).

I've got about another month to get bulking out of my system and get my mind right about cutting. It'll probably take me that long to get to where I can do any meaningful cardio, too. I stopped doing any cardio when I was on d-bol, due to the wicked back pain. Over the past week I've tried re-introducing some low-impact cardio -- long walks -- and have been getting massive shin splints. I guess my legs aren't used to this much weight. I'm hoping that if I keep trying to go a little farther every day, I'll be able to work through the shin splints eventually. Under normal conditions, I can walk my little 3.5 mile circuit in an hour, but at present I can't even make the one-mile mark.


I'm really just trying to get cut for the summer. Never really tried anything like this before. Just wanted to see if I could actually do it. Who knows? If my body responds well.... we'll see. I plan on being on it for another 9 weeks (until the end of Aug.) Then I'll go right into a bulking phase for about 12 weeks, then take some time off the gear. As far as cardio goes, try a stationary bike for awhile. That's what I use, and have gotten pretty good result so far.
STANG 98 said:
I'm really just trying to get cut for the summer. Never really tried anything like this before. Just wanted to see if I could actually do it. Who knows? If my body responds well.... we'll see. I plan on being on it for another 9 weeks (until the end of Aug.) Then I'll go right into a bulking phase for about 12 weeks, then take some time off the gear. As far as cardio goes, try a stationary bike for awhile. That's what I use, and have gotten pretty good result so far.

Are you on anything while you're cutting?

Mr. dB said:
Are you on anything while you're cutting?


Right now, I'm taking 400 mg EQ/week, 75mg fina/week, and will add 500 mg test/ week and some liquidex to counteract the bloat from the test.

Bedtime for me, bro. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
STANG 98 said:
I plan on being on it for another 9 weeks (until the end of Aug.) Then I'll go right into a bulking phase for about 12 weeks, then take some time off the gear.

24 weeks "on?" Wow.

Did you convert your fina from pellets yourself, or get it from a lab?

STANG 98 said:
I'm really just trying to get cut for the summer. Never really tried anything like this before. Just wanted to see if I could actually do it.

So how are things progressing with the cutter?

Mr. dB said:
So how are things progressing with the cutter?


Not bad at all, bro. Thanks for asking. I hit a spot there at the beginning where I got pretty depressed when all the weight just fell off, so I refuse to look at the scale anymore. I let the mirror be the judge. Been on for four weeks as of Fri. Lost about two inches on my waist (at a 30.5 now); BF % is way down (not sure where it's at though), abs AND obliques are starting to come in, seeing considerable quad separation and striations in my lower back. Eq must be kicking in because the vascularity is spreading quickly (even into my quads and hams). But I'm still waiting for any pec striations and my bi separation isn't where I want it to be. But I've got plenty of time, so I'm going to continue to work on those. I'll keep you guys posted and maybe post some pics when it's all over (if I feel I can without embarassing myself!). :D
STANG 98 said:
... and maybe post some pics when it's all over (if I feel I can without embarassing myself!). :D

Just keep your pants on...

After pics are more meaningful when they are accompanied by before pics.

How are the workouts going?

I'm still having a hard time getting my mind wrapped around the idea of deliberately getting smaller, but it's something I'm gonna have to do.

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Oh, I forgot to ask, how do you prepare egg whites to make them palatable? Fried? Poached? Nuked? Mixed with your oats?

And looking at your cutting menu, how big are your protein shakes? 1 scoop or 2? Any additional ingredients?

Mr. dB said:
Just keep your pants on...

After pics are more meaningful when they are accompanied by before pics.

How are the workouts going?

I'm still having a hard time getting my mind wrapped around the idea of deliberately getting smaller, but it's something I'm gonna have to do.


HAHAHA!!! I promise!! I actually do have a pic of myself ( a tasteful one, believe it or not) that I can use as a before - actually, Phoenix has it. So maybe i will be able to show the progress.

Yeah, intentionally geting smaller goes against every fiber of my being. It is truly a mind-fuck. But once the results start making themselves seen, you'll love it!!