
Mr. dB said:
Oh, I forgot to ask, how do you prepare egg whites to make them palatable? Fried? Poached? Nuked? Mixed with your oats?

And looking at your cutting menu, how big are your protein shakes? 1 scoop or 2? Any additional ingredients?


I hardboil the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Then I take a small spoon and scoop some salsa into the middle of the egg half. Any kind you want. It is awesome!! Very low calories for such a great taste. Almost makes me feel guilty eating them!

Just milk (post-workout) or water (later in the day). No other ingredients for me, but feel free to put a banana or anything else you want in there. Usually two scoops of the powder, sometimes three if I use water; comes out to 60 grams of protein per shake.
STANG 98 said:
I hardboil the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Then I take a small spoon and scoop some salsa into the middle of the egg half. Any kind you want. It is awesome!! Very low calories for such a great taste. Almost makes me feel guilty eating them!

That almost sounds reasonable. But I'm tempted to substitute a can of tuna for the eggs.

Just milk (post-workout) or water (later in the day). No other ingredients for me, but feel free to put a banana or anything else you want in there. Usually two scoops of the powder, sometimes three if I use water; comes out to 60 grams of protein per shake.

What kind of powder is that? I'm using the Optimum Whey, and usually do 2 scoops, 2 cups of 1% milk, five ice cubes, three whole eggs, and maybe a tbsp of natty peanut butter. That adds up to 78 grams per shake, not counting the PB. I haven't bothered to count the calories...

Mr. dB said:
That almost sounds reasonable. But I'm tempted to substitute a can of tuna for the eggs.

What kind of powder is that? I'm using the Optimum Whey, and usually do 2 scoops, 2 cups of 1% milk, five ice cubes, three whole eggs, and maybe a tbsp of natty peanut butter. That adds up to 78 grams per shake, not counting the PB. I haven't bothered to count the calories...


Feel free to eat the tuna instead. There's not too much of a difference in the quality of the proteins, and what's really important is that you're actually going to eat your food.

I use two different kinds of powder. I use Ultimate Nutrition weight-gainer after I train because it has the carbs that I need in it already. And later on in the day, I'll take Sci-Fit Whey protein. It only has 4.5 g of carbs per serving, and the Strawberry Ice Cream flavor is incredible! It even tastes good with water.

If you're dieting, depending on how strict you want to be, I'd count the calories in the shake you make. For a cutter, it sounds like an awful lot. Your body can't really assimilate all that protein in one feeding, so you can cut back on it a bit, and not suffer any. Also, you may want to substitute the Natty P.B. for some Flax seed oil. But if not, just make sure you're getting your three tbsp. per day. The Flax aids your body in utilizing fat for energy.
STANG 98 said:
Feel free to eat the tuna instead. There's not too much of a difference in the quality of the proteins, and what's really important is that you're actually going to eat your food.

I use two different kinds of powder. I use Ultimate Nutrition weight-gainer after I train because it has the carbs that I need in it already. And later on in the day, I'll take Sci-Fit Whey protein. It only has 4.5 g of carbs per serving, and the Strawberry Ice Cream flavor is incredible! It even tastes good with water.

If you're dieting, depending on how strict you want to be, I'd count the calories in the shake you make. For a cutter, it sounds like an awful lot. Your body can't really assimilate all that protein in one feeding, so you can cut back on it a bit, and not suffer any. Also, you may want to substitute the Natty P.B. for some Flax seed oil. But if not, just make sure you're getting your three tbsp. per day. The Flax aids your body in utilizing fat for energy.

Oh, I know that my present shakes won't be suitable for cutting, especially with the whole eggs. The 1% milk will have to be replaced with skim, too.

Is there anything in your plan that you'd change if (1) you weren't doing thermogenics, and (B) not on the sauce?

Mr. dB said:
Oh, I know that my present shakes won't be suitable for cutting, especially with the whole eggs. The 1% milk will have to be replaced with skim, too.

Is there anything in your plan that you'd change if (1) you weren't doing thermogenics, and (B) not on the sauce?


Not at all, bro. My diet is pretty clean and the thermogenics and the gear are simply aids. To me, they are no substitute for sound nutrition and hard training. So, I wouldn't change a thing. However, I am going out (maybe today) and getting Body Opus by Dan Duchaine. If I read anything in there that I feel will help me, I'll post it here.
STANG 98 said:
Not at all, bro. My diet is pretty clean and the thermogenics and the gear are simply aids. To me, they are no substitute for sound nutrition and hard training. So, I wouldn't change a thing. However, I am going out (maybe today) and getting Body Opus by Dan Duchaine. If I read anything in there that I feel will help me, I'll post it here.

Any thoughts on how long after clomid is done I should wait before switching from bulking to cutting?

Mr. dB said:
Any thoughts on how long after clomid is done I should wait before switching from bulking to cutting?


Hmmmm. Good question. You may be better off posting that question on the Anabolic Forum. :cool:
As long as I'm picking your brain to death, what was your diet like when you were bulking?

Mr. dB said:
As long as I'm picking your brain to death, what was your diet like when you were bulking?


Bro, if I could outrun it, it was fair game. I ate anything I wanted, whenever I wanted, wherever I wanted. If I wanted to have a big piece of chicken covered in mayo, I did. If I wanted double cheeseburgers from McDonalds (and that seemed to happen quite often) I ate 'em. It was pure heaven. I have a naturally quick metabolism, so I didn't get TOO fat. Got pretty smooth, though. I DO prefer looking like I do now, however. But man, was it fun. I may do that again, but I'll have to play it by ear. Like I said, I'm REALLY digging this lean look!
STANG 98 said:
But I'm scared!!!!!!

Lemme get this straight -- you're trying to lose weight, you like what you're seeing in the mirror, but you don't wanna know how much weight you're losing?

Excuse me if I can't work up much sympathy for someone who started with a 32" waist and thought he needed to cut. I'll be lucky if I can EVER get DOWN to 34". And I mean 34" trousers, not an actual 34" waist measurement. :):):):):)

Mr. dB said:
Lemme get this straight -- you're trying to lose weight, you like what you're seeing in the mirror, but you don't wanna know how much weight you're losing?

Excuse me if I can't work up much sympathy for someone who started with a 32" waist and thought he needed to cut. I'll be lucky if I can EVER get DOWN to 34". And I mean 34" trousers, not an actual 34" waist measurement. :):):):):)


You're probably right. I was just shocked at the rate that the weight dropped in the beginning. Got pretty depressed because of it. I'm better now. Thanks for the pep talk, bro!! :D

Plus, my waist is naturally small. That 32" measurement is very deceiving. Make no mistake, I DID have to trim it down. All those donuts and double cheeseburgers took their toll!
STANG 98 said:
You're probably right. I was just shocked at the rate that the weight dropped in the beginning. Got pretty depressed because of it. I'm better now. Thanks for the pep talk, bro!! :D

Depressed because you were succeeding at what you were trying to do???

Plus, my waist is naturally small. That 32" measurement is very deceiving. Make no mistake, I DID have to trim it down. All those donuts and double cheeseburgers took their toll!

Grrrrr.... I think I'd be bigger than 32" if I was interned in a concentration camp.

Mr. dB said:
Depressed because you were succeeding at what you were trying to do???

Grrrrr.... I think I'd be bigger than 32" if I was interned in a concentration camp.


No. Got depressed because the weight came off much too quickly in the beginning. It is VERYy difficult for me to gain weight and it took what felt like forever for me to reach 200 lbs. (the magic number I had in my head). In the first two weeks, I dropped 13 lbs! That drastic a weight loss really took me by surprise and kinda scrambled my brains for awhile. i wasn't simply looking to lose weight just for thesake of losing it. Ik also wanted to maintain my muscle mass. I just thought at the beginning, I was wasting away. THAT"S why I was depressed. But, the weight loss has levelled out and I'm starting to look like I want. So it's all good now.

I'm sure you have a much bigger frame than I do, hence the bigger waist size. Like I said, it literally takes an act of God for me to reach 200 lbs. That's my shortcoming.
STANG 98 said:
No. Got depressed because the weight came off much too quickly in the beginning. It is VERYy difficult for me to gain weight and it took what felt like forever for me to reach 200 lbs. (the magic number I had in my head). In the first two weeks, I dropped 13 lbs! That drastic a weight loss really took me by surprise and kinda scrambled my brains for awhile. i wasn't simply looking to lose weight just for thesake of losing it. Ik also wanted to maintain my muscle mass. I just thought at the beginning, I was wasting away. THAT"S why I was depressed. But, the weight loss has levelled out and I'm starting to look like I want. So it's all good now.

I'm sure you have a much bigger frame than I do, hence the bigger waist size. Like I said, it literally takes an act of God for me to reach 200 lbs. That's my shortcoming.

Well, I'm up to 255 lbs. at 5'10" and an estimated 25% BF. Still, as fat as I am, I tend to see each pound on the scale as a hard-won friend.

But it's gotta go. When I start cutting, I think that I'll be ELATED by any weight loss I see on the scale. What will make me panic is when I pass certain benchmark body measurements in the wrong direction, or when I can no longer make lifts that I had been taking for granted. I've gotta get my mind right about this, though, so that when it happens I don't take solace in a big pizza.

Hmm, 25% suddenly seems like a low estimate to me. Doing the math, that puts my LBM at 191.x, which seems high to me; and I'd be at 10% BF at ~210. That doesn't sound realistic to me. I'm gonna speculate that the online BF guess-u-lator is wrong and I'm more like 28%-30%. On the other hand, I'm lifting a LOT more than I was the last time I weighed 200 lbs., I guess the only way to find out is to start cutting. If I'm still pudgy at 210, then I'll know.

Mr. dB said:

But it's gotta go. When I start cutting, I think that I'll be ELATED by any weight loss I see on the scale. What will make me panic is when I pass certain benchmark body measurements in the wrong direction, or when I can no longer make lifts that I had been taking for granted. I've gotta get my mind right about this, though, so that when it happens I don't take solace in a big pizza.


Yeah. It's definitely a mind-fuck. But instead of the pizza, you can take solace in knowing that if you adhere to the diet and the cardio, you WILL start losing the weight. And once you do, and you start noticing actual results and actual body modification, the diet will be come much easier. Trust me, bro. It's tough at first, but it DOES get easier!!
Mr. dB said:
Oh, I forgot to ask, how do you prepare egg whites to make them palatable? Fried? Poached? Nuked? Mixed with your oats?

And looking at your cutting menu, how big are your protein shakes? 1 scoop or 2? Any additional ingredients?


I just fry 4-5 of them whole but I don't crack 2 of the yolks, then I just don't eat those.
Or I do an omelet with 3 whole & 1 yolk. Less yolks makes 'em runny so I add a pinch of cheddar, bacon bits & bell pepper if I have any.
I'm trying to get my waist back down to 33. I'm up near 37. It must be coming down because my 38 pants are just falling off me.
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