New member
Well....I thought long & hard about trying out AML's Trenbotest blend, but I didn't feel quite right about it. The numbers just didn't crunch quite right for the dosages that I wanted to use. If I were to inject 1cc ed, that would give me only 420 mg of Test P ew, but a massive 840mg of Tren A ew. I absolutely LOVE Tren, and I can handle up to about 800mg ew of long ester gear, but I am a bit concerned about that much short ester Tren.
I want more control over my dosages, and I am looking at a 16 wk cycle with:
Wk 1-16: 150 mg Test P eod (525mg ew total)
Wk 4-16: 150mg Tren A eod (alternating with the Test pin) (525mg ew total)
Wk 4-16: 100mg Mast P eod (approx 350mg ew)
I'm gonna run Aromasin for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (ed), since I find that I prefer a suicidal Inhibitor, and Caber e3d for prolactin control. I already went and bought my PCT gear, since I knew I could get it easily...
I want more control over my dosages, and I am looking at a 16 wk cycle with:
Wk 1-16: 150 mg Test P eod (525mg ew total)
Wk 4-16: 150mg Tren A eod (alternating with the Test pin) (525mg ew total)
Wk 4-16: 100mg Mast P eod (approx 350mg ew)
I'm gonna run Aromasin for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (ed), since I find that I prefer a suicidal Inhibitor, and Caber e3d for prolactin control. I already went and bought my PCT gear, since I knew I could get it easily...