So tired of hearing all these ugls saying they have the best anavar !


New member
In reality, maybe 2 out of every 10 or so ugls actually have anavar and 1 out of those two is way underdosed. Stop all the lying. If a ugl has real anavar they'd be sold out ASAP !
Please ugls on this site don't take this as a direct insult. Was not my intention. I'm saying over all ugls. All these new people that get into the aas world all fall for it. In reality it's u dressed d Bol, or Winstrol or just bunk. People are getting taken advantage of and from where I'm from that's not cool. Must of us work hard for our money and would really piss us off if we got scammed. I know it's the chance you take getting involved in this world but it seems to be excepted on these sites. Just puts a real bad taste in my mouth.
Scary part is you plan things to run together correctly and I feel it can screw you up if your putting something in your body that isn't what you think it is. It's just the risk you have to take. When women take it its even worse then if men do because they can get big problems from something like Dbol or other orals if it's not actually anavar
Yep ! Give us one completely honest lab that everything is what it's suppose to be and dosed right and I bet guys wouldn't mind spending a little extra money so the lab can make as much profit as all these labs that sell underdosed and or bunk gear !
Now I'm worried! Have 2 diff brands of var for my wife and don't know what to use? Don't want my wife all jacked up? So how do we know as dudes if it's GTG for the women by us using or what? Are we able to tell the diff by blood test?
Now I'm worried! Have 2 diff brands of var for my wife and don't know what to use? Don't want my wife all jacked up? So how do we know as dudes if it's GTG for the women by us using or what? Are we able to tell the diff by blood test?

You will have to run it first and gauge what it is based on your experience of expected side effects. You need to be her human guinea pig. Just make sure you use high enough of a dose for yourself.
Should I run a trt dose of test to gage it off of or my normal cycle dose400-500mg weekly?
In reality, maybe 2 out of every 10 or so ugls actually have anavar and 1 out of those two is way underdosed. Stop all the lying. If a ugl has real anavar they'd be sold out ASAP !

Do you expect them to say they have bad, watered down var? ;)
The main issue ive encountered with var is that it is usually winny. Combine this with the fact that var and winny have extremely close melting points and that makes it tough even for ugls that care to melt test powders to know for sure var is actually var. On top of that var is expensive, winny dirt cheap. Also var and winny are female friendly roids to an extent which makes the swap tough to detect even for females.
Var and primo are by far the 2 most faked ugl roids out there.
The main issue ive encountered with var is that it is usually winny. Combine this with the fact that var and winny have extremely close melting points and that makes it tough even for ugls that care to melt test powders to know for sure var is actually var. On top of that var is expensive, winny dirt cheap. Also var and winny are female friendly roids to an extent which makes the swap tough to detect even for females.
Var and primo are by far the 2 most faked ugl roids out there.

Having never used either var or winny, what indications would you look out for that the vars been swapped? I'd guess joints should dry out, anything else? They seem like fairly similar compounds.
Having never used either var or winny, what indications would you look out for that the vars been swapped? I'd guess joints should dry out, anything else? They seem like fairly similar compounds.

Not a good indicator imo, winstrol didn't do shit to my joints - I was squatting three plates for twelve reps even on 100mg winstrol + 1.25mg letro per day
Are you running either of those right now? If not, wait until you are running a TRT dosenor running a cycle.

No cycle right now but I guess at beginning of next I should run a low dose test and see results after a few weeks? Just wondering the best way possible to test it for the wife!
I will buy that some of them may not know their selling winny as var to their to lazy to care but the ones that knowingly are selling winny or d Bol as var and jack the price up really kills me !!! This should not be excepted on any site !
Just because of this uncertainty if I was buying var for a female (relative, s/o, client, whatever) I'd settle for nothing less than pharm grade

I'll take the risk of tbol/winstrol/whatever for my own use but not for the fairer sex
This is the one area regarding UGLs that I find unforgiveable - faking var with dbol.

It amazes me at how common place this practice is considering how catastrophic it can be for women - Your literally ruining a woman's life forever in order to save some cash on powders.
I always encourage those who have experienced this (and many have) to name and shame the labs as much as they can to protect other women in the future.
This is something that, IMO, destroys a labs rep permanently.
I'll never understand why some labs used dbol to fake var, considering it is literally the worst thing to fake it with. I have a friend who was using Anavar, she told me she almost felt bloated towards the 5/6 week mark... Skeptical to think whether the lab was legit var or something else. Unless that's common. Or unless it is faked that commonly.

I can't understand why labs fake shit, to any lab makers reading this, make what the fuck it says on your labels if you want a solid rep! I am lucky I have sources I can trust with legit injectables.

Not a good indicator imo, winstrol didn't do shit to my joints - I was squatting three plates for twelve reps even on 100mg winstrol + 1.25mg letro per day

I swear I felt my joints all around hurt when I read this... I miss that lube effect from Deca!
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