Especially given that a lot of women run anavar.
Now I'm worried! Have 2 diff brands of var for my wife and don't know what to use? Don't want my wife all jacked up? So how do we know as dudes if it's GTG for the women by us using or what? Are we able to tell the diff by blood test?
In reality, maybe 2 out of every 10 or so ugls actually have anavar and 1 out of those two is way underdosed. Stop all the lying. If a ugl has real anavar they'd be sold out ASAP !
Should I run a trt dose of test to gage it off of or my normal cycle dose400-500mg weekly?
The main issue ive encountered with var is that it is usually winny. Combine this with the fact that var and winny have extremely close melting points and that makes it tough even for ugls that care to melt test powders to know for sure var is actually var. On top of that var is expensive, winny dirt cheap. Also var and winny are female friendly roids to an extent which makes the swap tough to detect even for females.
Var and primo are by far the 2 most faked ugl roids out there.
Having never used either var or winny, what indications would you look out for that the vars been swapped? I'd guess joints should dry out, anything else? They seem like fairly similar compounds.
Not a good indicator imo, winstrol didn't do shit to my joints - I was squatting three plates for twelve reps even on 100mg winstrol + 1.25mg letro per day
Are you running either of those right now? If not, wait until you are running a TRT dosenor running a cycle.
Not a good indicator imo, winstrol didn't do shit to my joints - I was squatting three plates for twelve reps even on 100mg winstrol + 1.25mg letro per day