So, What's the diff?


New member
There are so many people here that choose one brand of steroids over the other. For example, If you can get either(this is just a hypothetical situation) :
Spectro 200mg/ml
LFC 200mg/ml
QV 200mg/ml
EQL 200mg/ml
IP 200mg/ml
Brovel 200mg/ml
TTokkyo 200mg/ml

What makes you choose one product over the other? Is it reputation? Price? Which brand would you choose and Why?
My decision would be based on these factors;

1)-Reputation of company.
2)-What a preferred Source carries.
4)-Past experience with a certain company.
StoneColdNTO said:
My decision would be based on these factors;

1)-Reputation of company.
2)-What a preferred Source carries.
4)-Past experience with a certain company.

everything StoneCold said. What the source has available at that time, the reputation. To me, its not so much the price. If something else is a little more but has a real good rep, then I will just get it. I mean, Im spending a ton of $$ of the cycle anyways, I might as well get quality stuff.
That's what I thought. I was hoping to get some different opinions on this.

Is there anyone that gets a product based solely on price alone?