So whats with this SARMs


New member
Started to get bad sides from AAS recently and thinking about stopping.

What's all the buzz about these SARMS? Is it really anywhere near as effective in terms of pumps, strength gain, recovery time, cutting, etc and also the mood lift and libido?

What, if any, would you guys recommend that would produce anywhere near similar effects?
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Started to get bad sides from AAS recently and thinking about stopping.

What's all the buzz about these SARMS? Is it really anywhere near as effective in terms of pumps, strength gain, recovery time, cutting, etc and also the mood lift and libido?

What, if any, would you guys recommend that would produce anywhere near similar effects?

As ronrr said, SARMs are not nearly as potent as AAS, and probably never will be. That said, if you are in the US, SARMs are legal to buy and sell provided they are labeled and NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION and you intend to only use them for laboratory testing. Buy them in liquid form, for pill form implies human consumption in the US Court System.

The benefit of SARMs over AAS is mostly the grey legality of them (vs 100% illegal for AAS without a script) and that you do not have to inject anything. They are surely weaker, which is their downside. MK677 is a HGH Secretegague, which means it forces the body to create HGH, so it is akin to taking HGH - you will even experience the same side effects of carpal tunnel feeling (not actually having it, just FEELING like you do) and such. GW50 is also a great one for increasing endurance. It is so successful that WADA set a lifetime ban if they find you have used it.
My guinea pig days are over and the thing I dont like about Sarms is they are not tried tested and true like AAS