solutions in vodka?


New member
being unable to get and everclear i've managed to get hold of the below:

50% vol smironff blue vodka
60% vol wodka gorbatschow

would the 60% be good for putting the following into solutions: var/adex/nolvadex/clomid/cialis/viagra
simpllyhuge said:
so does that mean im wrong, or is that why i need to know in order to buy it?
You aren't wrong, but chem suppliers will probably in general use the 'ethyl alcohol' name. You also need to make certain not to purchase anything 'denatured.'

I've noticed that 100% ethyl alcohol costs a premium, especially over the cheap 190 proof Ever Clear that I can purchase a few miles away from my house.
You dont need 100% ethanol, or even close. It depends on the chemical. Most times chems will hold ok in vodka.

Heres how they crash. The small amount of time that the dropper is out of the bottle causes a TINY crystal to form. We all know that crystals grow, well this placed back into the supersaturated solution causes a slow yet spontaneous reaction, ending in the complete "crash" of the chemical until equilibrium is met.

Now, almost none of the chems we use will hold in water. What is vodka? Water and ethyl alcohol. You just need enough volume fraction of ethanol to hold the chemical. Sometimes 80 proof is fine (adex), sometimes itl crash after 1 use (clomid). Thats when you'd move to a higher proof alcohol.

I know I really took a tanget here but you get the point.
thanks for the help douge. im confused about what u mean when u your talking about when the dropper is out of the bottle. Maybe its cause im hung over.
DougoeFre5h said:
You dont need 100% ethanol, or even close. It depends on the chemical. Most times chems will hold ok in vodka.

Heres how they crash. The small amount of time that the dropper is out of the bottle causes a TINY crystal to form. We all know that crystals grow, well this placed back into the supersaturated solution causes a slow yet spontaneous reaction, ending in the complete "crash" of the chemical until equilibrium is met.

Now, almost none of the chems we use will hold in water. What is vodka? Water and ethyl alcohol. You just need enough volume fraction of ethanol to hold the chemical. Sometimes 80 proof is fine (adex), sometimes itl crash after 1 use (clomid). Thats when you'd move to a higher proof alcohol.

I know I really took a tanget here but you get the point.
Actually, I found this post to be very informative.

Is my isotretinoin in 151 clumping together, or is it crystalizing? When I got it, it appeared "crystalline." When in storage, it appeared not to crystalize, but to clump.

I'm guessing that the isotretinoin molecules in the alcohol float around in suspension and then kind of stick together when they touch each other. This makes them heavy which causes them to drop to the bottom of the bottle. And I have to wonder if the 25% water in the bottle is helping them stick together. But maybe the molecules are just heavy to begin with and without even clumping, them fall to the bottom?
simpllyhuge said:
thanks for the help douge. im confused about what u mean when u your talking about when the dropper is out of the bottle. Maybe its cause im hung over.
I'm guessing that when the dropper is outside of the bottle, the person shoots the liquid into their mouth. But some of the chemical molecules are left behind in the dropper. The remaining water/alcohol molecules quickly evaporate away, causing the chemical to crystalize.

Think back to rock candy: Ultra saturated solution of sugar in water. As the water evaporates, the sugar crystalizes. And the crystals grow.

Although the !@#$ rock candy experiment never worked right for me.

DougoeFre5h: Once the crystals start to form for rock candy, does the water/sugar solution still need to be exposed to the air so that the water can evaporate and the crystals can grow? Or wil the crystals continue to grow regardless of evaporation once it has started?
Regardless of evaporation. The chem is in solution only because we put it there with heat. As the temp drops, itl stay in solution only because there arent any crystals to start the process. Either that or the chemical was made to be heated SO much that it wont hold at the lower temperature AT ALL.
Some of these chemicals/molecules are just too large to make it through the skin, and those that are small enough will only partially get absorbed. It is kind of hard to know for sure how much gets absorbed as well.

Quick list of reasons not to make a DMSO transdermal from these chemicals:
  1. DMSO smells bad
  2. Absorption varies
  3. Absorption is far less than it is when taken orally
  4. Less absorption means you need more of the chemical, which costs more
  5. Oral is easy
  6. Oral is far more convenient than transdermal
  7. There are probably more reasons, but I think the above is sufficient to make a decsion