

what would be a good price for 4iu....or jinotropin/sGH if i can get that 4iu? lets say if my guy is local...

Maybe you should post this in the secure forum 0r PM and Mod. You don't want to be getting Emails and PM's from scammers offering you a better price.

I would answer your question for you, but I don't know dick all about HGH.
well, that was my thought, but I figured I would post it anyhow....i would not deal with anyone but my guy anyhow....i have not used it before, so i figured i would go with the general, i hate bothering a mod anyhow, and not to flame, but i dont want to wait on a non-response since they dont know me...but, i will try later on....figured i would wait to see what shows up here...thanks bro...

Easto said:
Maybe you should post this in the secure forum 0r PM and Mod. You don't want to be getting Emails and PM's from scammers offering you a better price.

I would answer your question for you, but I don't know dick all about HGH.
This would be the best way
