Some insight needed to run the following...


New member
Some help needed as I am about to run some peptides with minimal gear for the next 6mths. I will be running a low dose of Test and some winny and var along with it to keep strength up and get diet is bang on and I eat as clean as possible.


First time on peptides...looking for some opinions on dosages and timing etc. I have never run them and I hear good things so figured what the hell.

42yrs old
training since I was a kid religiously

What I have available
hgh frag
ghrp 6

Also have HCG that I was considering running alongside my gear and peptides over the course of the cycle...ive read this is both a good and bad idea...and advice gentlemen? I am not a fan of the sides of gear alone...all the research ive read has said that running hcg while on makes it easier on natural levels to come off but be aware of the effect on LH etc.

Six months of test, Winny and var is way too long to have your HPTA shut down. It would be very difficult to restart it (and your natural testosterone along with it). You shouldn't really take AAS for longer than 12 weeks if you hope to restore your natural testosterone production.

And by the way, a SERM is not a peptide.