Some of my results, 2 weeks in


New member
Some of my results, 3 weeks in

I am 5'10 closer to 11

Started off at 190lbs by end of week 2 I hit 210, but I am slowly dropping I have lost fat on my cycle and hve made some gains, most of it is probably water right now

I used to workout often till I got in a car crash and gained a lot to weight used to be at 17% now am 24 when I started my cycle but at 22 now

I'm 3 weeks in anadrol 50 with test e 500mg a week

Day 1 day 4 pree straight forward, my phone fucks up on lighting sometimes it gets dark, so I probably do look bigger than I am, but I do know that I did grow
Picture that says happy days is December 23, and the one me shirtless is 2 days before the other darker picture, so roughly day 1 - day 18
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Welcome ! Stick around as you seems to be able to learn a lot.

My eye might be off or else I'm like 10% bf but I'm not. You are most likely closer to 30% than 25% bf mate, sorry to break the news for you.

Second of all It looks like you could have put a lot more work into your physique the natural way as you look no where close to 210lbs. And if you have gained 20lbs in 1 or 2 weeks you might wanna get an AI a.s.a.p. ! As you're gaining a shit load of water weight because of an increase in estrogen.