Some old pics


New member
Here r some old pics I found weighing 185lbs, currently bulking weighing in at 227 "FAT HUNGRY". Will post bulk pics when I get a new digicam.
You can see you have a great lat spread and great arms. Your legs look fine to me. The only weakness I see when I look at your pictures is that small low back/lower abs, and if I were you I would be doing those deadlifts for your ass and lower back, to get in that strength and flexibility in that area. jz
These 'old pics' are great LaSavage, I love looking at top physeeks, seeing the variations in body style etc. Compare to your show pics and theres certain things about each time period that are strong. How old are you in the 'old pics'? Look at your obliques on the sides up to your lats. They could be bigger along with your entire abs. Where's your training at these days?

chidoks said:
wow.. very nice physique.. how tall are you?

Thanks bro, I am 5' 6". I will post some bulk pics soon, current weight flucts between 225-230. Start pre-comp diet mid March.