Some peptide questions!!


Teddy Bear
Hey guys, Just going to be finishing my test and tren cycle soon, going to jump into some pep's with pct.! curious of some things ... hard to find alot of info online about this but

can you stack:

Igf-1 des -60mcgs a day or more, pre workout
Cjc 1295 - no clue for dosing
Ghrp-6 - no clue for dosing

all together?

Im curious about Peg Mgf but Ive heard its Iv injection... ? D:

very curious about these peptides.. but I wanna hear what you guys think! :)
The PEG MGF, is not IV.. sorry, just did more research now.. but it has to be IM to work.

Does anyone know the doses about what average people would take. I dont wanna go full out 100mcgs, im still scared.
Yes you can take them together! You will need to run the cjc+ghrp for a while to really see gains but the DES will start right away.

Run the DES 100mcg bilateral pre-workout.
cjc and ghrp run 100mcg 3x per day each.

I really don't see anything to be worried about. Especially at these doses. Keep us updated bro.
Ok! what about PEG MGF.. I might throw that in too

so DES pre workout 100mcgs, each muscle group I workout

the cjc and ghrp what would I experience? anyone know for long term? like hgh correct?

des pre workout
peg mgf post
cjc ghrp 3 times a day, morning/mid/night ?
Help me put a stack together boys!! you know ur shit better then me! :)

Hex is suppose to be better for strength correct?

I wanna get the bang for my buck ! :]
IGF and MGF shouldn't be ran on the same day. I would say just run the original 3 peps.

In theory it should be just like HGH. Zeeks gonna be putting this to the test with a blood test soon so we'll know for sure then.
ok thanks buddy :)

so if these are sold in 1000mcg vials for the des, cjc 1295 is 2000mcgs and the ghrp-6 is 5mgs.. (hope this is ok to post)

how many vials should I get for my cycle?

ran about a month correct on/off ? or can the cjc and gh be ran longer?

I know there isnt any long term side effects counted for.. but anything I should be aware of?.. ive heard intestinal growth and stuff but, im not to worried if I got tren right now in me!!
Ghrp-6 or ghrp-2 or Hexarelin or Ipamorelin ? What works best currently reading some logs! and its hard to decide !!
Def run the cjc+ghrp longer than a month 60 days minimum but I'd stay on for at least 120 If I were you. DES is argued about a lot in this aspect. Some say it can only be ran at a month at a time before the receptors get saturated. Others say that only LR3 needs time off and DES can be ran non-stop because of it short half life. That one is up to you my friend.
any protocall about pct ? will this shut me down.. or do I need anything else ?

I know Im going to mix it with sterile water, but is there anything else im missing ??
Will NOT shut you down. No pct required. This is one of the reasons I like peptides so much. There are little to no side effects.
Sounds amazing! Im just waiting on my order from the osta boys of lr3, I orderd it awhile ago, im going to try lr3 then ill do des after

but lr3, post workout injections in muscle groups?
Get mod grf, and ghrp2.

You want to dose igf about an hour after the gh peptides. Igf cause blood serum levels of igf to rise, if you dose it at the same time, you may not get much igf conversion from the gh peptides.

So use the mod grf and ghrp, then after it peaks in 1 hour, dose you igf to prolong and add to igf spike.

Peg mgf has a very long half life and is dosed two times a week at about 250mg but I wouldn't bother with it.

Why would you dose lr3 bi lat into muscle. Igf period will be systemic, lr3 and DES both go systemic, and won't cause site growth. I pin both subQ because all you are doing is getting an elevation of serum igf.
Yes you can take them together! You will need to run the cjc+ghrp for a while to really see gains but the DES will start right away.

Run the DES 100mcg bilateral pre-workout.
cjc and ghrp run 100mcg 3x per day each.

I really don't see anything to be worried about. Especially at these doses. Keep us updated bro.

Hey hard, not to hijack this thread.... u said you notice DES quick, can u sub q it? Also llooking for a pep to help aid in muscle mass, not a whole on fat loss. Also a second q, cjc is that okay as a stand alone, and what would be that gear toward? These may seem like basic q's, but so much misinformation out there..also do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Thanks man, i have been looking at peps for a little.
TY for the info Fellas, Ive found a place in Australia that ships from Local so I dont have to worry about customs so pretty damn happy.

Ive ordered enough Pins and solution to mix fro a cycle. Got GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 (MOD GRF1-29) on its way.

Glad I read this thread and heard to stack the two.

Tell me is it really dosed 3 times a day at 100MCG? I'm still a noob at this so that's prolly why this seems a big dose to me.

I'm looking forward to pinning this stuff and seeing what happens.

Also does anyone know the difference between the reg CJC and the Modified CJC?

Again, great info guys, thanks very much.