Someone explain these blood results!!! Wtf


New member
Alright guys, this is a little bizzare. Been cruising on kalpa test at 300mg for the last two months. No decrease in strength or muscle after coming off a blast of 500mg Balkan test which put my total test at 2400. Anyway, just got delux panel done and the results are weird. Dht came back high, hdl cholesterol low and ldl high, free test was so high that all it said was greater than 50, and e2 was also high. Basically, ALL signs of a high androgen environment. However, the one thing that stands out was total test at 384!!! I seriously think this was a mistake, like they forgot a 1 infront lol. There's no way all those other numbers would look like that if my total test was that low. You guys ever seen this before????

(see attachment below)
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This is totally possible. Exogenous androgens decrease SHBG, which drastically increases free testosterone. This is likely due to your previous cycle, as it seems you're dealing with less than stellar gear.

Also looks like you're not using an AI either, or I'm sure you would have crashed your estradiol some time ago. (or potentially bunk AI too)

Not going to say labs don't make errors, but you're not only using one of the most faked brands there are, but the scenario fits IMHO.

My .02c :)
This is totally possible. Exogenous androgens decrease SHBG, which drastically increases free testosterone. This is likely due to your previous cycle, as it seems you're dealing with less than stellar gear.

Also looks like you're not using an AI either, or I'm sure you would have crashed your estradiol some time ago. (or potentially bunk AI too)

Not going to say labs don't make errors, but you're not only using one of the most faked brands there are, but the scenario fits IMHO.

My .02c :)

might have to disagree with that, I have ued kalpa before from the same source and it tested at 2400ng/dl at 500mg/week (this was over a year ago however).
Anyway, its been 5 weeks now since being on kalpa, back when i used to cycle the first thing i noticed when i came off was a MASSIVE and rapid decrease in bodyweight and upper body strength, which usually occured around week 2 or 3 after last pin. Also, my sleep becomes TERRIBLE. It's been 5 weeks now and i would say i've even gained a little bit of upper body strength, weight has remained exactly the same, and I sleep great. And there is NO way that my e2 would be that high if my test was actually that low; i know this from countless other bloodtests that i've received. Something just doesn't add up. (also using prescription AI; 0.5 adex 2x week)
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might have to disagree with that, I have ued kalpa before from the same source and it tested at 2400ng/dl at 500mg/week (this was over a year ago however).
Anyway, its been 5 weeks now since being on kalpa, back when i used to cycle the first thing i noticed when i came off was a MASSIVE and rapid decrease in bodyweight and upper body strength, which usually occured around week 2 or 3 after last pin. Also, my sleep becomes TERRIBLE. It's been 5 weeks now and i would say i've even gained a little bit of upper body strength, weight has remained exactly the same, and I sleep great. And there is NO way that my e2 would be that high if my test was actually that low; i know this from countless other bloodtests that i've received. Something just doesn't add up.

1. Are you on an AI?
2. Where does 300mg/wk normally put you?
3. Were you on an AI in previous cycles? Was diet consistent?
4. Have you never heard of labs getting bad batches of raws? Or if they're a reseller, getting fakes? It happens more than we like to think about.

The best way to tackle a problem is to rule out other possibilities, then focus on potential solutions. There's no such thing as a 100% guarantee on UGL gear, nor is there on a lab analysis.
1. Are you on an AI? (yes, 0.5mg adex twice per week, i have an rx)
2. Where does 300mg/wk normally put you? (not sure, 250mg/week pharm grade put me at 1120ng/dl. 500mg ugl puts me at 2400)
3. Were you on an AI in previous cycles? Was diet consistent? (yes, the 250mg/week pharm grade and 0.5 adex twice per week pharm grade put mt e2 at 36. granted this was non sensitive assay. Diet is same)
IDk man, i just feel that if the gear was fake, and if it had already metabolized down to sub 400's, then the other hormones like DHT, e2 and free test would have followed suit already, or AT LEAST would still not be at supra physiological levels.
Well, assuming that my hypothesis is correct, and that my test levels actually are high, then those numbers would make perfect sense. In the same way that estrogen is elevated when test levels are elevated, so too would be the same for DHT. It's just a different enzyme responsible for converting test to dht
1. Are you on an AI? (yes, 0.5mg adex twice per week, i have an rx)
2. Where does 300mg/wk normally put you? (not sure, 250mg/week pharm grade put me at 1120ng/dl. 500mg ugl puts me at 2400)
3. Were you on an AI in previous cycles? Was diet consistent? (yes, the 250mg/week pharm grade and 0.5 adex twice per week pharm grade put mt e2 at 36. granted this was non sensitive assay. Diet is same)

Well, you can retest for 50-some-odd bucks, but I still suspect that you've been pinning underdosed gear. However, I've seen bloods that were clearly incorrect too.

DHT conversion would just bring your testosterone down a hair; I don't remember the ratio, but it's surprisingly in DHT's favor. I'm also very surprised that you're not crashing your estradiol with such a high dose of an AI for such a small dose of test.

Remember, it doesn't take much to lower SHBG - which is going to elevate that free test too. You're on two substances that do so (adex/test), and that value is consistent with my TRT dose of 250mg/wk, which puts me at 1k ng/dL of TT.
Can't say much with incomplete blood work. I recommend going again and getting the correct blood work to ascertain what the issue is.

lh and fsh will be zero. Haven't come off in about a year. I'm getting bloods tomorrow again just to be sure, just a pain in the ass cuz i have to drive an hour to VA.
Regardless, I have had bloods before to measure free test and DHT and none of them were ever high before even with normal natty test levels. Just don't make sense. Will post bloods on MOnday when I get them.
lh and fsh will be zero. Haven't come off in about a year. I'm getting bloods tomorrow again just to be sure, just a pain in the ass cuz i have to drive an hour to VA.
Regardless, I have had bloods before to measure free test and DHT and none of them were ever high before even with normal natty test levels. Just don't make sense. Will post bloods on MOnday when I get them.

Why on earth are you going to the VA for this?!

Private tests dude, that shit is paid for by the US government - which then has every right to look at your results. I don't know about you, but the last group I want looking at my results is Big Brother.
lh and fsh will be zero. Haven't come off in about a year. I'm getting bloods tomorrow again just to be sure, just a pain in the ass cuz i have to drive an hour to VA.
Regardless, I have had bloods before to measure free test and DHT and none of them were ever high before even with normal natty test levels. Just don't make sense. Will post bloods on MOnday when I get them.

I wouldn't be so confident they are zero when your TT is only in the 300's.
Yeah I see the VA all the time and never allow them to do bloods while I'm on. I seem to always miss those appointments lol.
You're natty right now bro, I think your mind over powered your body thinking you were ON and never felt the post cycle.