Something is wrong Need help!!


New member
Ok I was on 750 mgs of QV Enanthate Batch # 15 and 500 mgs of QV EQ and at 7 weeks have didn't see any gains from the Test I saw something from the EQ vascularity but that was it so i think the stuff i got was bunk. So I switched to Pet's Pharma last week and it comes in 350 per ml so i went up to 1050 per week. Now my question is has anyone ever over trained of a cycle cause that is what seems to have happened. The reason I say this is cause i have gained no weight or strenght I have however lost bodyfat which is good but; when i work out I can't do as many sets as usual. I mean even when I am off I do for instance on chest 4 sets of Flat Barbell, 3 sets of Dumbell incline, 3 sets of dumbell flat. 3 sets of incline barbell, 3 sets of incline flyes, and usually some kind of negatives either incline or flat barbell. I know it seems like alot but that is how I have always worked out and made progress. Now when i was off I was doing the same number of sets and making progress. Now I can't do the weight or reps I could before. Overtraining???????? Oh and this is my third cycle the last one was 750 of QV Enan. for 14 weeks and gained 22 lbs kept about 9 of it. But I think I started back up too early I was on for 14 and off for 12. Do you guys think that I didn't wait long enough for my receptors to be fully back to normal or what??? So today I only did 4 excercises and just uped the reps to between 12-15. What would you guys recommend i do??
How old are you? What were your last 3 cycles? What is your workout routine at the present time i.e. days on days off and cardio if any? How many calories are you presently eating.

You have to be consuming a greater amount of calories than you expend in order to grow...........this is different when cutting.

26 years old/ First cycle 500 mgs of test/ 50 mgs of Winstrol (winny) EOD. 8 weeks. The others i wrote in the first thread. 5days on 2 off. Chest mon. / Back Tues / Shoulders Wed. / Arms Thursday / Legs Friday. Cardio mon/wed/fri. 30 minutes heart rate at 160 or above. Eating about 4000 cals a day 250-300 grams of protein. 11% bodyfat.