Sorry and Help


New member
First off, I'd like to say sorry for posting what many of you will probably consider a stupid thread. I've been trying to research this for a couple of hours, and have found no conclusive answers, so I've had to resort to posting here.

I am currently on a 4-week cycle of M-DROL, and will finish in one week. Yesterday, my work (high school), sent out a notice that we would be having a county-wide "Wellness Test" next Wednesday (two days before I finish my cycle).

From everything I understand, this Wellness Test is being done by the local hospital, costs $15, and is mandatory. I haven't been able to figure out exactly WHAT they test for or who they share the information with.

Should I be as ridiculously worried as I am, or is this a routine type of test checking for marijuana, etc? Should I immediately stop the cycle and try to clear my system, or continue on?

If you could offer and help or advice, I would be immeasurably thankful.
My guess would be that they check blood pressure,cholesterol levels...things like that. We had something similar at my job...although I get random drug tests. They will not check for weed through your blood...too costly. But if they ask for a urine sample they may,I believe they must tell you also
Yeah, from everything I understand it's a blood test with an optional prostate exam. Will my cholesterol and blood pressure be ridiculously high since I'll be at the end of my cycle, and if it is, would they give me further questioning/tests? Any chance anything else abnormal would show up on a $15 blood test?
First off, I'd like to say sorry for posting what many of you will probably consider a stupid thread. I've been trying to research this for a couple of hours, and have found no conclusive answers, so I've had to resort to posting here.

I am currently on a 4-week cycle of M-DROL, and will finish in one week. Yesterday, my work (high school), sent out a notice that we would be having a county-wide "Wellness Test" next Wednesday (two days before I finish my cycle).

From everything I understand, this Wellness Test is being done by the local hospital, costs $15, and is mandatory. I haven't been able to figure out exactly WHAT they test for or who they share the information with.

Should I be as ridiculously worried as I am, or is this a routine type of test checking for marijuana, etc? Should I immediately stop the cycle and try to clear my system, or continue on?

If you could offer and help or advice, I would be immeasurably thankful.

I highly doubt they are going to run a lipid panel for a routine "wellness" exam. Also, testing for drugs is going to be more expensive than $15 so personally I wouldn't worry.

Even if they tested for PH/AAS you'd prob be screwed anyway b/c it won't be out of your system by then : D

I wouldn't worry about the test...I'd be more worried about being in highschool and taking orals. You don't need to take anything that affects your hormones at your age. You don't want to hear that but listen to experience.
it sounds to me like they are basically giving you a physical... im assuming you work there... they are probably just seeing the condition of their employees... if your taking your proper supports, your bp shouldn't be too bad... it will still be elevated but you will be fine... its not going to be a big drug test...
This is true, it seems more and more companies are trying to keep their workers in good health to keep insurance,and healthcare costs down. I wouldnt worry too much about it. Even if your BP is a little high, just say you eat a lot of salty foods, and you have a shitty diet.
Testing for AAS/DS is way too expensive, especially with that many people involved...highly doubt they will detect anything. If they check your hormone levels you may just have elevated test levels being on cycle, nothing to cause alarm for them.