Soy oil


New member
I am getting my pinz from GPZ and everything else and was wondering if it is ok to use soy oil for EQ,Propionate, and test powders?
Is there even a need to bake it since it is filtered? The only part of converting I am worried about is baking.
bake it bro. why go to all this trouble and take a short cut on the last processing item. I have posted in length and great detail about GMP for hormones. there are some bactreia small enough to pass thru the .45 filter or even the .22. heat kills them, not BA. aight? aight. baking is the simpliest part. set the oven, put a pin in it, come back in an hour and waalaa sterile hormones begging for your ass.
Walaa,lol. Fucking magician he is. Or maybe a witch. Throw him in a lake and see if he floats,lol. Ya I will be for sure cookin it.
Do most of you guys cook it in a muffin pan first and then heat the final solution too or do most of you just heat the final solution?
Personaly I didnt heat the oil, If you read one of PB's previous qutes it say there is no need to heat oil first.. Just filter and bake the final solution...(vented of course!)

I just wana say make sure you calibrate your oven!!!!! (I didnt and
there is nothing worse than not being able to seal that perfect liquid in a sterile vial...)

(One last note, it is so easy bro, good luck)


Mini me
DougoeFre5h said:

oh.... you like that? well its true. i here some vials callin me name now. PB come caress me and let me stick you in the ass. you need a big ol knot on that left cheek to match the right side. its so lonely. :69:
Are you serious??/

Anyway, with an a chefs oven thermometer...

My oven is way off............ (but made in china crap so its to be expected)
pullinbig said:
oh.... you like that? well its true. i here some vials callin me name now. PB come caress me and let me stick you in the ass. you need a big ol knot on that left cheek to match the right side. its so lonely. :69:
lololol, wow bro thats quite the image. :moon: :doggy: