Spectro Winny


New member
Has anyone taken the injectable Winstrol (winny) by spectro. I have acouple of bottles and was wondering if there was any pain after the injections.

thanks micro
i used it back in the spring, I did find the injection sites pretty sore, but I also get that from any water based gear. On the bright side I got incredible results from it
needsize said:
i used it back in the spring, I did find the injection sites pretty sore, but I also get that from any water based gear. On the bright side I got incredible results from it
I am using Winstrol (winny) at the end of my cycle just wondering how were you running Winstrol (winny) ED, EOD, ?mg etc
I used it last summer, 50mg/ed. Gave me wonderful results, as did all spectro gear I used, and had my elbows hurting from the fourth day.
I started using the Winstrol (winny) at 50mg ed, then switched it to eod and didnt notice much difference, I was running it as part of a cutting cycle though, Winstrol (winny) and prop