Sphinx pharma dbol real or fakes?


New member
Little advice please, i am starting a 12wk cycle,
40mg dbol ed wk 1-6
500mg test ew wk 1-12
My diet is on point also.
My question is this....I'm using sphinx pharma 10mg dbol and as its my first time using them i wondered what they are meant to look like in pots of 100? Cant seem to find images on google. These look like thin white tabs about 2-3mm thick, are these ligit or fakes? Pot was sealed with holigram etc.
Also how long till i notice strength gains and size gains? Cheers
Great cheers ***128077;***127995; how long until i can expect to see strength gains and see mass gains?
Great cheers ***128077;***127995; how long until i can expect to see strength gains and see mass gains?

If your not taking an AI like you should,, then you should blow up and bloat up full of water and estrogen and see weight gain and strength gains in a couple weeks or so. you'll have a big fat red moon face, but be strong as hell ;)
how long until i can expect to see strength gains and see mass gains?

Well it depends... are you training for strength? (ie: sets of low reps, long recovery, etc) - or are you training for size? (ie: sets of 10-12 reps, low recovery times, aiming for muscular hypertrophy etc)....

You're obviously one of those guys who wants the gear to do everything for you!

Read this: Nutrition is key, for gaining size AND strength... closely followed by style of training and proper rest and sleep.
AAS are just the icing on the cake that will embellish the results you would have got natty.

Also Roush is right - no mention yet of an AI, HCG or even a PCT!