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I have made a research and i haven't found any conclusive answers about the use of Spironolactone to avoid or stop virilization. My question is, is it really effective and how do u use it, topical or oral, and in what dosages?

(sorry my english )
The following paragraphs were cut and pasted from the drug profile page of another website. I do know that I asked this same question a while back and was told it should only be used precontest. I do know that you need to be careful about potassium intake while taking it because it is a potassium sparing diuretic and can cause very serious problems if not used correctly. Ive never taken it myself but I do know someone who tried taking it for antiandrogen purposes and didnt find it helped control virilization that was happening. She did say that in her experience she kept taking the steroid which was laurabolin and still has quite a few side effects that never went away. Id be interested to know what would have happened had she stopped the laurabolin and used this immediately if there would have been any antiandrogen effect. This is about all I can tell you but I would love to hear anyone elses experiences. Chelsea

Aldactone is also an antiandrogen since it reduces the androgen level. Female athletes take advantage of this characteristic by using it to mini-mize the virilization symptoms during steroid treatment or the symptoms after treatment. For this purpose Aldactone is normally taken daily for 10 to14 days, usually in a dose of 50 mg/day. In men this could cause problems since the relationship of the andro-gen level to the estrogen level changes in favor of the latter. Thus, common side effects in men include pain in the nipples and breast swelling (gynecomastia).

Bodybuilders use Aldactone almost exclusively during the last week before a competition. Since this causes neither a dramatic nor an immediately noticeable draining effect, it is usually taken over 5-6 days in a dosage of 2 tablets of 50 mg daily. Both male and female athletes take it. The main problems in men consist of gynecomastia and possible impo-tence. Other side effects can be low blood pressure, muscle spasms, dizziness, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, irregular pulse rate, and fatigue.
Hi chelsea, thanks for the text. In feminine muscle some girls said that they have used it, including topical to avoid hair and acne in face.

Spironolactone is used in medicine to treat hirsutism caused by excess of testosterone, but with steroids there is very little information.

Someone else?
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Ive never heard of anyone using it topically. Did they mention how well it worked? Like I said the only woman I know who tried it said it didnt help much but she also never cut her Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) dosage. Chelsea
What specifically did it work well for? Ive heard of it being used as an anti-androgen but dont know anyone who has successfully used it. I was asking because my roommate was trying to use it for that purpose and she said it didnt help but I dont think she was using topical. Chelsea