Splitting my injection site


New member
Very simple question.. I have very bad pains as after my test e injection as do many other people, im starting my next cycle in a week but work construction so cannot have that bad of pain.. Can I inject 250 into 2 separate muscles? Ex... 1/2 cc in right glute, 1/2 cc in left glute or does that affect the potency? Thank you.
That will work but you will be doing a lot more injections. Are you just sensitive to test E or maybe it's the quality of you gear?
Very simple question.. I have very bad pains as after my test e injection as do many other people, im starting my next cycle in a week but work construction so cannot have that bad of pain.. Can I inject 250 into 2 separate muscles? Ex... 1/2 cc in right glute, 1/2 cc in left glute or does that affect the potency? Thank you.

I think this will just make you hurt in both glutes. 1 cc is not that much gear. I say just deal with it and if anyone asks why you are whincing all the time, just tell them you pulled something squatting or doing cardio. Make sure you are doing all the little things like warming before injection, massaging the area after, etc
Get a longer needle. Also try putting ice on the injection site for 10 mins immediately after injection. Untill you get used to the pain or it just goes away
I injected into my quads and then would massage the whole area for 10 minutes after. It seemed to reduce how sore they got.
Thanks for the reply and sorry for the late response, I got a longer needle 1 1/2 22 gauge and massaged it after for like a while and later in the shower. Much Better. Thank you!
Warming the vial makes a world of difference as well. If it's close to the bodys natural temp, it will absorb faster throughout the muscle=less soreness.