Spring Cutter

Jack Mehoff

Certified Meat Head
Here it goes, so excited I finally got everything and started today. Here it goes..

Stats 6'6 256 bf 10%

1-12 Test Prop 150mg eod
1-10 Mast Prop 100mg eod
1-10 Tren E 400mg ew

1-4 Oral Tren 500mcg ed
1-8 t3 50mg ed
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ranging from 80-120mcg

I like Tren Enanthate over ace, it looks strange but I wanted to try the oral tren because I have heard alot of hype about it so ill get the kick from that before the inject tren kicks in.. Real excited. That about sums it up, what do you think?
Anyone else enjoy the name or have any comments or feedback on this cycle? Thanks everything is appreciated..
its safe to run t3 at 100mcg throughout and move it to the last 8 wks

i would only run the masteron the last six wks when i was the leanest to get the most out of it. other than that, it looks real nice
its safe to run t3 at 100mcg throughout and move it to the last 8 wks

i would only run the masteron the last six wks when i was the leanest to get the most out of it. other than that, it looks real nice

Thanks D!! 100mcg over 50mcg is there a noticable difference in results?