Spring Cycle Help, my 5th cycle

Ok, I decided I'm just going to stick with a simple cycle, my budget is pretty slim right because I just moved to WA and it was expensive
Weeks 1-16 Sus 500mg
Weeks 1-4 Halotestin 30mg for two weeks and 40mg for 2 weeks
Weeks 10-16 winny, not sure about the dose on this one yet, any recommendations?

Pct is usual: Clomid and Nolva, HCGenerate after pct
AI is gonna be arimidex .25 eod
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And Hulk, I loved EQ when I ran it, it just took forever to notice the benefits, this is what I looked like on my EQ cycle when I was using 800mg a weekView attachment 560970
I was pretty big 255 at 6'2 my results with Tren though we're way more appealing to meView attachment 560971
I was 245 at about 8-9% bf, it was amazing and I was strong AF
You can run deca and tren together hulk. I know some that do. I know what you meant by not running nolva in pct with a tren cycle. Thats some old school broscience. Just cuz something didn't work for you, dont say nobody else can do iti know many that can't handle tren or deca.

Boss, yea the deca will be for joints and a lil extra ooomph. Might bump it up a lil. We'll see. But, we're not talking about me. This aint my thread...
Yeah my gyno I've tried to get rid of it, I'm just gonna have to get surgery, hopefully my job will cover it, I've tried the letro protocol and taking nolvadex for awhile, I barely have lumps, but the side fat is stubborn, I hate it
There is a way to get the surgery covered. Meet with a couple doctors until one tells you it is covered. I've heard of guys being told no 15 times and others who walked in to one office while under the same coverage and we're told yes right away. Hope it works out for you!