spring/summer lean out cut cycle


New member
Do to a good work year I'm going to run a nice long lean out/cut dream cycle of mine. It may seem basic to some of you guys but for a single hard working Dad of 4 its a dream come true. I'm going to run low test 200mg/WK with eq at 900mgs/WK with tren ace 150mg EOD for 16 wks. Also will prob add var for 60 days at 80-100mgs a day. Of coarse with hcg, ai and caber. No pct needed cause I blast n cruise. Really looking to lean out and maybe adding a couple pounds of new muscle. Really wanting to look good this summer. Will prib be my last cut cycle do to finances and age. Comments suggestions please?
Looks like a long haul on the tren ace . I did 10 last spring/summer and I welcomed the switch to npp . I have never run low test high tren so maybe the sides are different . Good luck dude
Looks like a long haul on the tren ace . I did 10 last spring/summer and I welcomed the switch to npp . I have never run low test high tren so maybe the sides are different . Good luck dude

I know, that's the only thing that bothers me a bit bout this cycle. I've never don longer then 12 weeks on tren.
Looks like a long haul on the tren ace . I did 10 last spring/summer and I welcomed the switch to npp . I have never run low test high tren so maybe the sides are different . Good luck dude

I know, that's the only thing that bothers me a bit bout this cycle. I've never don longer then 12 weeks on tren.
what's your reason for tren ace or enth?

Really just prefer the ace over the enth. I ran enth two cycles ago for the first time and just didn't care for it. It's prob just all in my mind. I like the ace, tren cough during injection lol. Also if my mind starts going down the wrong road I can pull the plug immediately.
If your running tren for a period why not start at 75mg EOD then ramp up mid cycle when you add the var? Your body will respond I promise. It's how I do it. Moderate dose for first half. Let body get used to the dose..... Then shock it by upping the dose haha. Also your var is well to high..... Should do fine on 40 - 60mg ED

Have you ever tried NPP? You say you would like to gain a few pounds also. I respond so well off npp it's unreal. Eq first half of cycle then NPP to lean out.

I plan my course like workouts.... I like to switch up compounds mid cycle. Like adding tren and NPP for second half of cycle. Seems to work for me.

But if financially it can get pricey.... I homebrew my own. It's a major benefit

Good luck brother. A log with pictures would be great. I will be doing same in a week when I go on my winter bulk haha
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if you blast and cruise, and you plan on running EQ for 16 weeks, you should really keep an eye on your RBC,, its probably already high due to your cruising,, and EQ can really effect that, especially at 900mg a week for 16 weeks.. another thought, maybe drop the eq and run masteron along with the test and tren,, thats a tried and true 'cut' cycle with anti E properties and slightly less risk of having blood thickening problems towards the end.
If your running tren for a period why not start at 75mg EOD then ramp up mid cycle when you add the var? Your body will respond I promise. It's how I do it. Moderate dose for first half. Let body get used to the dose..... Then shock it by upping the dose haha. Also your var is well to high..... Should do fine on 40 - 60mg ED

Have you ever tried NPP? You say you would like to gain a few pounds also. I respond so well off npp it's unreal. Eq first half of cycle then NPP to lean out.

I plan my course like workouts.... I like to switch up compounds mid cycle. Like adding tren and NPP for second half of cycle. Seems to work for me.

But if financially it can get pricey.... I homebrew my own. It's a major benefit

Good luck brother. A log with pictures would be great. I will be doing same in a week when I go on my winter bulk haha

I've never ran tren under 100mgs eod in my life. My receptor cites def know the tren lol. I'm hitting this hard and fast. The var is def not to high. Must men bodybuilders run it at 80-100 mgs/ day. 40-60 a day is a girls dose ( no disrespect). Yes I have ran npp. Don't care for it. I'm actually on deca now at 900/wk. giving it in last shot before I give up on them. Also you have to run eq for 14-16 wks to get the full effect. Anything less then that is a waist of money. Thanks for your comment though.
if you blast and cruise, and you plan on running EQ for 16 weeks, you should really keep an eye on your RBC,, its probably already high due to your cruising,, and EQ can really effect that, especially at 900mg a week for 16 weeks.. another thought, maybe drop the eq and run masteron along with the test and tren,, thats a tried and true 'cut' cycle with anti E properties and slightly less risk of having blood thickening problems towards the end.
Great advice bro. Actually my RBC is already high. I give blood. I try to once a month. I also like the idea of the mast but the order is already placed. I've always wanted to run eq at a fairly high dose for 16 weeks.
If your running tren for a period why not start at 75mg EOD then ramp up mid cycle when you add the var? Your body will respond I promise. It's how I do it. Moderate dose for first half. Let body get used to the dose..... Then shock it by upping the dose haha. Also your var is well to high..... Should do fine on 40 - 60mg ED

Have you ever tried NPP? You say you would like to gain a few pounds also. I respond so well off npp it's unreal. Eq first half of cycle then NPP to lean out.

I plan my course like workouts.... I like to switch up compounds mid cycle. Like adding tren and NPP for second half of cycle. Seems to work for me.

But if financially it can get pricey.... I homebrew my own. It's a major benefit

Good luck brother. A log with pictures would be great. I will be doing same in a week when I go on my winter bulk haha

I thought bout this again after I already made a comment. You were saying aye use npp half the time then the tren or vice veres. I do lke that idea but like I said I just don't seem to respond to deca like I do tren ace. Thanks bro.