Spring Training, and logging Sarmsearch S-4 (sponsored)


New member
What's up everyone!?

The good people over at Sarmsearch have once again blessed me with another logging opportunity. This time I'm going with the beloved S-4! I ran it around this same time last year & ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! Their quality of SARMS is definitely top notch, and the real deal.

I'm finishing up a bottle of the SR-9009 right now. I'm thinking I may have about 3 days left of that, so going into the S-4 is going to be perfect!

I'm already about 5 days into it, dosing it at 50mg a day, split up in 2 doses. Because I've run it before, and know what to look for and expect, I may up the dose just a little bit shortly in this run.

My workouts are a high volume - get ready for the beach type. I'm following each workout with abs and some cardio. If time becomes an issue on a training day, I'll at least get in 20-30 minutes of HIIT.

My diet is borderline keto. Having 2 kids in the house makes the keto diet just a little harder, but not impossible. It's just all about the planning of the meals. My job keeps me VERY busy, and I also work part time for the father in law, so that's why I mentioned time being a factor for workouts. I'm usually getting up @ 3am just to get a workout in. Even on my days off (far & few between), I'm getting up @ 4 or 5 am to get that workout in.

Well, that's enough for now. I'll get some pics up shortly and try to keep this updated as much as possible.

Oh, I'm 5'7", about 180# and trying to cut. As of now, I'm not experiencing any vision sides.

Thanks for joining!!
Here's the starting photo. This was yesterday after my chest workout. Better update tonight.

S-4 – Day 9

Weight – 180

Endurance/stamina - WAY UP!!

Everything else is still holding steady.

I mention that endurance & stamina part, because my last couple of cardio sessions, following the weights have been awesome! The weight sessions are great too. My rest time between sets is very low, (easily less than a minute, pushing 5-6 sets per exercise). The only stim I've been using since starting this is a 200mg caffeine pill. I've been running on the treadmill for my cardio the last few days. The other day, I did the HIIT. Normally, I'll sprint & walk. The other day, I was sprinting and jogging. I held a very steady pace on both for a solid 25 minutes followed by plenty of stretching. The following day, I just decided to run 3 miles at a 8:45 minute pace. That's the first time I've done 3 miles so far this year! Great accomplishment for me.

The weights are still going up slowly after taking about 3 months off. It's kind of funny to have to use such light weights compared to what I used to use. But, I check my ego at the door & motor through the workouts without hesitation.

I took this today off due to no rest last night at work, and then a busy day today before coming back to work tonight. I'm off tomorrow & Thurs, & then back on days for the weekend, so that gives me a solid 5 days to keep grindin.

I'm up to about 75mg a day now and still not really getting any vision sides. Last year, I remember having a hard time with the bright sunlight and then adjusting to going back inside a building. Nothing like that just yet.

Arms tomorrow!!
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S-4 - Day 12

Weight ***8211; 180

Loving this stuff more & more every day!

I'm now up to 50mg a day and still no vision sides to report. My workouts are high speed & high volume! I'm running on the treadmill like I never took a break! My endurance & energy is endless right now! I ran 3.5 miles this morning at just over a 9 minute pace.

Looking in the mirror, it looks like I'm getting some of my size and muscle fullness back. My waist has gotten slightly slimmer, but the scale is still holding steady @ 180. I'm thinking I need to up my water intake a little to help that out more.

Strength is still an issue though. That's the true reminder of how much time I was away from the gym. What was humbling initially, is now becoming humiliating.. Lol.. Oh well, I'm not in any hurry to get myself hurt, so I'll take what I can get.

That's my update for today. Just had to check in real quick & give some thoughts of what I'm seeing/feeling.

S-4 kicks ass!

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Quick update, then off to bed.

Weight is still the same, but I'm definitely seeing a different physique than I had a few weeks ago! Waist has trimmed down and everything else is filling out nicely.

Been rolling @ 50mg a day, but I think suppression is rearing it's ugly head. Libido seems down fairly significantly. Going to drop down to around 30mg a day and see what happens.
Got off work this morning and headed straight to the gym for my arm workout. Did a very fast paced, high volume workout and loved it! Left the gym out of breath and sweating. Going for a jog later this afternoon.

One of the things I noticed right away with s4 was the unlimited energy I had in the gym. I had to force myself to leave because I felt I could still train for hours. Have you noticed anything like that?
Dude, 100%!! The only limiting factor for me is the clock! Well, that & the wife begging me to come home with a Starbucks. Lol. Yes, she actually tried that. Once.

Yeah, pretty much since day 1 the energy and endurance has been off the charts. Like this morning, I ran my fastest 3 miles ever! Wanted to go longer, but had to cool down for work.

I've changed my workout up a little bit. Not quite as many reps, but still keeping the volume high.

The recompness is in full effect!
Just passing through. I've been hitting the gym steadily now for the past 6-7 days with no breaks. Feeling great. Been getting up @ 3am and training hard each day. Muscles continue to harden up nicely. Cardio has also been a breeze.
Dude, sorry for the lack of updates. With this warmer weather & longer daylight hours, we've been runnin & gunnin with activities.

The s4 continues to impress and harden me out. Weight is still fluctuating around 177-180. Feeling a little bit leaner, so it's cool. I still can't believe how fast the recovery is on this stuff! My gym sessions are so much more efficient than before. I'm easily under a minute between sets on all my lifts.

Strength has gone up a little, but with the volume, I know I'm probably sacrificing strength for physique right now. This morning I hit shoulders & blew up the delts! My traps are responding nice as well!
