SP's on/off-season log

We finally got some nice weather here too its nice for a change but 20 now feels like 28 to me shorts weather :)
Weight 213

Ok that's a little depressing; but I really haven't been able to eat much especially in the last few days...I dropped the painkillers two days ago but I think the antibiotics (just finished) did a number on my gut.

Time for some pro-biotics and EQ

Strength was around 85-90%, but energy was in the 50-60% range if I had to assign a number...guessing it's due to low calories/carbs over the past few days, along with residual effects from anesthetic and pain killers/antibiotics.

Tuesday - delts - 10-12 reps
20mins LISS - moderate incline, tried not to sweat too much but it's pretty humid so that didn't really work out
internal / external rotations - three sets
superset hanging leg raises - four sets - 16 / 17 / 18 / 20 reps
shoulder DB press - three drop sets - 12x60 + 10x40 + 8x25, extra drop for third set
DB side laterals - three drop sets - 12x35 + 10x25 + 8x17.5
rear delt cable pull-aparts - three sets - 12-15 x 12.5 + 8-12x 7.5
heavy shrugs (smith) - three sets - 12x 275 (behind the back) + 8-10x 275 (in front)
front barbell raise - one set, with static rep - 12x60 + 12sec hold w/ 35
superset lying leg raise - again just one set, 30 reps

Some of the steri strips came off in the shower after my workout; not sure if I kind of "pulled" them a bit during the workout and that's why...the incisions don't look -bad- but I am wondering if I should pick up a few steri strips and stick them back on...my follow-up appointment isn't until Friday with the plastic surgeon.
Dont know why I havent been following this until now...but in!
Im sorry to hear the surgery is diminishing your appetite, but hey at least there seems to be no apparent adverse reactions that could swiftly bring the cycle to an end :) and recovery only gets easier
Hows the recovery today bro? Feeling better?

Yesterday wasn't amazing, incisions were still pretty sore but I rocked some huge bandaids and a medium underarmour shirt (trust me a medium on a 220lb bro is SMALL) and felt much better today

Weight 215

Coming back up, today was the first day I lifted anything particularly heavy so hopefully it will keep steadily climbing. No end in sight for this cycle so it's not a huge rush, and I have to remind myself it's only been eight days since surgery.

Thurs - back - 8-12 reps
30min LISS - incline treadmill - god this sucks in underarmour, compared to a tank top...how do ppl work out with sleeves and pants by choice? christ.
deads - four sets - 15x225, 5+3x315 (no straps), 8x365 (straps), 8x425 (straps and belt)
bent barbell rows - three pause sets - 12+6 x 185, 10+5x 205, 12+6x205 + 8x185 + 12x135
decline situps - unweighted, didn't want a dirty plate sitting on my incisions - four sets - 30 reps each
t-bar rows (machine) - three sets - 8x135, 12x135, 12x170 + 8x135 + 8x90 + 12x45

Energy still a little low, but feeling better...workout was shorter than usual for back day, omitted wide grip pullups superset w/ lat pull downs and no HIIT, but still felt pretty good
Weight 218 evening weight after a BBQ, but still happy about it

Friday - legs - 12-15 reps

10min LISS - incline treadmill
Highbar ATG squat- three sets- 12x225, 12x275, 5x315 - didn't have my belt and back felt a little weird so I didn't push for the ten I had hoped
Seated quad extension- three pause sets - 12x225 + 6x225 + 4x225
Stiff leg deads - three sets - 12x225
Seated calf raise - three sets - 20x115 (calves were cramping)

Had to leave due to gym closing for the night but was a decent workout, just a little short/light
Weight 218 evening weight after a BBQ, but still happy about it

Friday - legs - 12-15 reps

10min LISS - incline treadmill
Highbar ATG squat- three sets- 12x225, 12x275, 5x315 - didn't have my belt and back felt a little weird so I didn't push for the ten I had hoped
Seated quad extension- three pause sets - 12x225 + 6x225 + 4x225
Stiff leg deads - three sets - 12x225
Seated calf raise - three sets - 20x115 (calves were cramping)

Had to leave due to gym closing for the night but was a decent workout, just a little short/light

Something is always better than nothing for a workout :)
Went in and did some more legs today; was thinking about arms but changed my mind at the last minute

Weight 219 PM weigh in, not that late though...2pm or so...scale is definitely moving in the right direction again

Saturday - legs cont'd - 12-15 reps
20min LISS + HIIT - incline treadmill
leg press - three pause sets - 12+6+3 x 630, 12+5+4 x 630, 12 + 6 + 4 + 2 x 720
standing calf raise - three sets - 20x360 each, toes inverted
seated hamstring curls - three sets, can't remember weight
decline situp - just one set, had to bail for family dinner
rope tricep pushdown - same thing, had to bail before I could really get going on arms

Kind of two 60% leg workouts back to back, so decently happy with that, looking forward to getting back into my regular legs->chest->back->delts->arms->REPEAT rhythm though
Weight 221

Monday - delts - 10-12 reps
25min LISS - incline treadmill
internal/external rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets - 16/ 17 / 18 / 20 reps
seated DB press - three drop sets - 12x60 + 12x35 + 12x20
DB lateral raise - three drop sets - 12x35 + 12x25 + 12x15, extra drop for third set
superset lying leg raise - three sets - 30 reps each
heavy smith shrugs, behind the back / in front - three sets - 12 / 10 x 315, 12 / 12 x 315, 12x315 + 16x225 + 20x135
superset rear delt cable pull-aparts - three drop sets - 12x10 + 12x7.5 + 12x5 each
front barbell raise - two sets + static rep - 10x70 + 10sec x 35 each

Forgot to mention I had my first followup with the surgeon on Friday; he said things were healing quicker than normal, but he kind of expected that or something...he snipped the ends off a few stitches (they are the dissolvable kind so the rest will get absorbed I guess) and told me he didn't want to see me til August, score :) And he cleared me for light chest work starting this week already; jesus that's quick...Wednesday will mark two weeks after the surgery.
Weight 219 I crushed my macros yesterday; 490p/455c/100f - should not have lost weight lol...oh well.

Tuesday - back - 8-12 reps
10min LISS - track
heavy deads - 8x275 (no straps) 5x315 (no straps) 8x365 (straps, belt) 7x405 (straps,belt)
superset machine row - 10x115 after each deadlift set
bent barbell row - three pause sets - 12+6x185, 10+5x205, 12+6x205 + 6x185 + 12x135
seated low row - three drop sets - 10x200 + 10x160 + 10x120 each, extra drop 10x85 for third set
superset decline situps (unweighted) - four sets - 30 reps each
widegrip pull up - two sets - 9 / 10 reps
superset widegrip pull downs - two drop sets - 10x160 + 10x120 + 10x85
10min LISS - track / stairs
Weight 221

Wednesday - arms - 8-12 reps
20min LISS - incline treadmill
rope curls - three pause sets - approx 12+6+3 x 60
hammer DB curl - three drop sets - 12x40 + 8x30 + 8x20, extra drop 12x10 for third set
tricep rope pushdown - three drop sets - 12x75 + 8x55 + 6x35, extra drop third set
triangle pushdown - three pause sets - 12x100 + 6x100 + 4x100 each
hanging leg raise - four sets - 16 / 17 / 18 / 20 reps
Weight 223

Thursday - legs - 12-15 reps (target...sometimes 10-15)
10min LISS - incline treadmill
seated quad extension - three pause sets - 15 + 8 + 5 x 225, first two sets... 14 + 7 + 5 + 3x 240, third set
highbar ATG squat - three sets - 12 x 275, 10x275, 10x275 (spinal erectors!!! agh)
SLDL - three sets - 12x225 each
superset seated calf raise - three pause sets - 16 + 12 + 8 x 150
incline leg press - three pause sets - 15 + 3 x 540, 12 + 5x 720, 12 + 5 + 3 x 720
superset abs - hammer crunch machine, lying leg raises
seated hamstring curl - one set, machine was complete garbage - 15 x all the weight

Skipped HIIT again in order to get to work; will either do some more LISS tonight or something HIIT-ish, maybe just bedtime cardio
How you feeling now? How did you get your abs all nice and cut and how long that take? Just want to know how long they usually take. Cheers bro and good job getting back in and killin it after surgery :)
Feeling pretty good - I keep meaning to take some 2 week post-OP pics, I've been super busy between gym, work, teaching and gaming (I accidentally went back down the WOW rabbit hole) plus I finally got one of my motorcycles back so I've been trying to make up for lost summer on two wheels as well.

The pics I posted were around 220 I believe, which was a very quick rebound from 200ish a month prior so my abs took a toll...usually they start to come in nicely three or four weeks into a cut, usually I'm targetting 8-9% BF which for me means a 5-6 pack...the only time I ever went lean enough for an eight pack I was a scrawny 160-170@ maybe 6% in the infantry.
Ok sweet you game too huh yeah I used to play tons of call of duty on xbox ok I have a ways too go for abs lol
Weight 223

I don't fucking know what possesses me to take prami once every few months; same result every time...shit sleep, sore all over and lethargic feeling for the next 12-18 hours.

Surgeon said I could start light chest this week, so I went light/moderate mostly...not my first choice but better than watching my chest shrink away to nothing. Can still get a pump w/ 12 reps afterall.

Friday - moderate chest - 12 reps target
30min LISS - incline treadmill (trying to wake myself up unsuccessfully)
internal/external rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets - 16/17/18/20 reps
incline DB press - three drop sets - 12x60 + 12x40 + 12x25, 12x70 + 12x40 + 12x25, 12x80 + 12x50 + 10x35 + 12x20 (strength seemed ok, but was pretty shaky...like stabilzer muscles forgot what they are supposed to do or something)
flat BB bench - three drop sets - 12x185 + 12x135, 8x225 + 7x175 + 8x135, 10x185 + 12x135
superset lying leg raise - three sets - 30 reps each
bodyweight chest dips - three sets - 12 reps each (normally do 25 or 50lbs added to bodyweight but this really stretches my chest so didn't want to risk that)
Two weeks post-OP


