src legit Down Under?


New member
hi there,
i dont like to do this in public,but as far as i dont get any response from tickets or e-mails,and i am not able to pm the sponsor i choose to ask questions here.
me and my small team of researchers ordered some pt-141,ghrp-6 with mod we dont get any labeling,only different color lids,which should help to keep individual peps apart.that is if you know the color-code or have done research before.we did 2 independent researches with the pt-141 with negative here people praise SRC and i have no doubt that this is affirmative in the US.but do i get the same guaranties here?i cant say if the research material was not what it was supposed to be,or if it just lost completely its potency during shipments from the US to here and then to destination.
what i cant stand the most, is the shear lack of communication from SRC's part as they dont answer any of my questions or even consider to reship a new batch.
i cant say anything about the rp-6 yet as i
still research with another suppliers products.
i hope someone shares his experiences with me,or even better i get a reply from the sponsor.
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I purchased some DES and MGF from SRC a month ago. I also had problems with their communication, they didn't reply my emails; then i started a thread here and they answered my questions via PM. I think there's an issue about their email response system on their website.

Although they are far more expensive than other sponsors in this forum, I am very pleased with their fast shipping and with the quality of their peptides. My research with DES and MGF is going very well.
SRC has excellent products. I'm not sure how people have such trouble contacting them. Did you try a different email provider? They may not be compatible. Also I'm guessing they may have removed labels to be able to get them to you.

What exactly were you expecting from the PT-141 and how exactly did you reconstitute it, store it, and how did you dose it and how long.

Let's just say Ive used about 5 different peptides from SRC and they are all very good quality.
SRC has excellent products. I'm not sure how people have such trouble contacting them. Did you try a different email provider? They may not be compatible. Also I'm guessing they may have removed labels to be able to get them to you.

What exactly were you expecting from the PT-141 and how exactly did you reconstitute it, store it, and how did you dose it and how long.

Let's just say Ive used about 5 different peptides from SRC and they are all very good quality.

as i mentioned i dont intend to scratch on the reputation of SRC in the research products from them get shipped within my country,so they basically ship to themselves first and then with the local post service i get served.
as u might know the pt-141 should make your lab mice exited about each other,female or male that is.the dosage was 0.8mg a first then 1mg 2 days later.
it did nothing to either of the mice in both occasions.point is id rather take the plunge and order straight from the US then paying for research products shipped from here which are unsuitable. as a matter of fact im in the process of doing that with another mayor sponsor:laugh4::laugh4:
hope it all goes well.
reconstituted with 2ml of sterile injection water,by letting it run down the side for usage, it is supposed to kick in after roughly 3-5 hours after application

ps:haven't heard from SRC yet,no e-mail problem here
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Actual PT-141 isn't such a fast acting peptide. I'm pretty certain you need to take it at increasing doses for a short while to get the intended effect.

I'm not doubting anything you posted and I didn't know of that part of the operation, but I know that every peptide I've received was very high quality.

Let me see if I can find a dosing protocol for PT because I could be wrong but I have used MT II which is where pt141 came from and I didn't get that effect because I didn't dose it high enough.
haven't heard that part of prolonged use to get effect,but maybe you are on to something there.started the ghrp-6 yesterday,the peps from different supplier caused a strong reaction in my mouse regarding food at 100-120mcg food cravings at 150mcg,i need to increase the dose to get same effects now.currently poking her with 150mcg to get standard reaction,adding 100mcg mod 1-29 pw and before bed.haven't had anything to compare the mod 1-29,but my sleep is deep,so quiet happy.
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