Stacking PP Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter SavageAce
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Could you stack the AH+AM+AD ?

AD can and (in most cases) be stacked with ANY androgen cycle.

It simply can be reduced at a smaller dose alongside a hefty stack like AM +AB.

You could spread 1 bottle of AD thin across an 8 week MASS/BULK cycle.

For example:

6mass + 6bulks + 3drives a day (that is the higher blasting dose)

or lessen the dose of mass or Bulk to something like this -

3mass + 6bulks + 3drives.

We are going to start beta testing people STACKING multiple compounds and getting bloods to verify safety and effectiveness.
So I can do AM + AH + AD stack ?
Say a 6 week cycle 4 mass 4 hard 4 drive a day. Whats your input on that stack