Stacking tren (50% en 50%ace) and sus


New member
I'm about to start a cycle stacking tren & sus. What would be a good schedule to keep just starting out? It's been a long time since I've done anything and I've never messed while anything on this level.
apologies but if you ask such a question trens maybe not really for you right now. its a monster
if you've been away from this game a while perhaps a nice Sus only cycle, its got several compounds and a fast kicker in it, should be great all alone
tren is a compound that should be approached after you're familiar with the common hormones, the side effects and how to combat them, it has a harder HPTA restart so post cycle therapy (pct) may be more difficult and longer

its a great drug, but common sense says to not push it someone who has not used AAS is a while or done post cycle therapy (pct)
Tren is like the 151 of aas. You don't want to do shots of that if u haven't drank in awhile...