Stacking with deca and additional test with trt, help!

So I just started getting 200mg/week at the doctors office to supplement my low test levels @ 200. I have a stack of deca on the way as well as more test c. I was thinking about stacking, but their giving me a blood test in 5 weeks and I don't want them to find out... Help?!? Anyone had experience with this
Dude... If your hypo you need to get that sorted, get your TRT dialed in. It's generally a lengthy process so your really going to need to find some patience.

If they catch you using steriods above what they have prescribed you will lose your script. Don't be stupid, wait it out. You've likely got a lot of blood work ahead of you over the next 6 months or so. Save all your gear until then.
Totally agree. Do not run a blast with a doc appointment and upcoming bloodwork in 5 weeks. I would not consider a blast until you have TRT dialed in and you are only seeing your docnfor followup visits once or twice a year.
But that's the problem. The clinic im using doesn't Rx out the test. They make me come in once a week to get the shots. But isn't it true that deca would suppress by blood test levels?
But that's the problem. The clinic im using doesn't Rx out the test. They make me come in once a week to get the shots. But isn't it true that deca would suppress by blood test levels?

You need to demand self-injections at home. That is a scam to make you come in for injections so they can bill you for more money.

Deca would suppress which blood test levels? You are already on TRT, right? It would affect Free T.
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No deca wont do that. What the other guys just told you is the right way to proceed. Even if after your upcoming labs you wanted to add deca in it would be problematic to your TRT. You havent been on TRT long enough yet.
Have you ever cycled before? The best way to do things is get your TRT sorted out and then when you are good and ready just increase your test and blast.
Im now 28. I've taken several different cycles of deca, test and sustonan. I had to stop the last time in 2011 due to herniatibg a disc in my lower back.
Sorry, didn't mean to cut that last one short. I ordered 2 bottles of test c, and have a bottle of deca on the way. I went into the clinic and got tested to see my levels due to experiencing a lot of the symptoms from low t, and it turned out I was low. I played football in high school, and am a naturally athletic person; but stopped working out years ago due to the back injury. I accepted a management position in the a/c and gained 30 lbs lol. I've been running 1 mile 5x a week and doing all body weight exercises. I've lost 15 pounds in three weeks all natural, and am now being treated for low t when I have these other cycles coming in. I'm impatient and want quick results lol and my brain tells me "stack it, you'll get bigger quicker." It's going to be eating a spot in my brain sitting on three cycles of roids and not be able to take them lol. I've taken deca in the past and it helped so much. My joints are killing me running, and I'm fearful to hit a bike machine or elliptical because the weights are going to be too tempting for me with my injury.
Sounds like you ran a deca only cycle in the past... thats not advisable. You need to run test with your deca. But thats the past cause you are on TRT now. Also it sounds like your back injury is still lingering?? If thats the case then just stay with your TRT protocol cause you will just fuck up your back again doing a cycle too soon. At 28 you are young as hell although I know you dont think it but I sure do! I did my first cycle at 34. So you have time. It will take 6 months to a yr to get your TRT in line and just allow that injury to heal up as solid as you can. then maybe bump up the test and then add in the deca later on.
Is there anything I can stack with it like HGH that won't mess up my blood test levels

Look, I'm all for using AAS and PEDs, but you JUST GOT ON TRT. Holy impulse control Batman! Fix your MEDICAL CONDITION first, then - once you're sorted, go play.

Otherwise, you're taking risks that you really shouldn't be taking. HGH *can* interfere with some tests by the way. So just take your time, heal up, keep losing body fat, and ease into it.

Or you can jump on 3 compounds; destroy your back and probably a shoulder, lose your script (they are injecting you with YOUR vial if prescribed testosterone btw), and find yourself in a really shitty place that you didn't want to be in.

My .02c :)
It is nice. All 100% covered by insurance and haven't had to pay a dime out of pocket and won't ever have to pay. I just have to go in once a week and get a shot lol
Everyone is giving you good advice, please take it. You have plenty of time to do other AAS after your TRT is dialed in.
Will do. Thanks yall, I'm going to wait until I get my 6 week results before I blast. I'll just save them up and wait until I have a good window of opportunity. Thanks for all the wise words.
Some people just won't listen!

These EXPERIENCED members are giving you sterling advice - and you're just shrugging it off like you know best.

TRT is for life. Therefore it is ESSENTIAL that you find a protocol that works. This can take over a year (I know that from experience) - and you are giving it 6 weeks!

What you seem to be forgetting, is that you can still make great gains on a TRT dose! - You really have no excuse for wanting/needing to blast right now.

Don't be stupid - listen to what you're being told!

If you are making all this progress all natural, I'd continue to dial in your diet, and allow yourself time to get dialed in on TRT. AND I personally wouldn't blast even after being dialed in for a while. Why utilize AAS, if you are making gains naturally? Good luck
If my last message was misconceived... Let me restate it. After taking the advice of people on this board, I am going to wait until I have windows of 6 months for blood tests BEFORE starting a blast like people have suggested. I am going to SAVE and NOT USE any thing else until the doctors get my levels normalized.
Yes I can, that's my fault. I'll tell you, these next four weeks are going to take forever. It's like starting all over again though because I completely changed up my workout routine. My knees were killing me after running 5 times a week. I joined a 24 hour fitness and have since started dieting very well and doing strength train 3x a week and reduced the cardio to 2x a week. My problem is now that I go into the gym and am done with weight lifting and decide to hit the treadmill or the pool and still end up doing cardio on my weight days lol. Getting in the pool after working out really does seem to take the edge off my knees. 2 weeks into TRT therapy and I've gained 5 pounds back, and am really working on muscle building now instead of just getting back into shape. It's a lot of hard work, but i can't wait for that day for the test to kick in and all the weights get lighter and I can start challenging myself. I know that when I finally do get to a stable point with my testosterone, that the other blasts will really be enhanced
You need to knock all this steady state cardio on the head buddy. The wear and tear is already showing and to be honest if you are training at a high enough intensity with the weights, your heart rate will be higher than if you were doing cardio anyway.

Get out of that 1980's mindset of cardio, cardio, cardio....
Any personal trainer worth his salt (that's me) - won't take a client anywhere near a CV machine these days - nothing to be gained whatsoever!