Sorry, didn't mean to cut that last one short. I ordered 2 bottles of test c, and have a bottle of deca on the way. I went into the clinic and got tested to see my levels due to experiencing a lot of the symptoms from low t, and it turned out I was low. I played football in high school, and am a naturally athletic person; but stopped working out years ago due to the back injury. I accepted a management position in the a/c and gained 30 lbs lol. I've been running 1 mile 5x a week and doing all body weight exercises. I've lost 15 pounds in three weeks all natural, and am now being treated for low t when I have these other cycles coming in. I'm impatient and want quick results lol and my brain tells me "stack it, you'll get bigger quicker." It's going to be eating a spot in my brain sitting on three cycles of roids and not be able to take them lol. I've taken deca in the past and it helped so much. My joints are killing me running, and I'm fearful to hit a bike machine or elliptical because the weights are going to be too tempting for me with my injury.