Stalled weight loss. Diet change?


New member
I cant seem to break 185 and im tired of this little belley fat its pissin me off. I feel like my diet and cardio are in a good place but maybe not. Who wants to help?? lol
6"2 185 im not sure how accurate it is but the electronic body fat tool reads around 13% everytime. I do 30 minutes of low intensity cardio 4/7 days a week in the morning befor i eat and 2/7 days a week i do HIIT cardio in the evenings. As far as diet goes something like this.

Breakfast: 2 eggs + 1cup liquid egg whites scrambled add 1/4 cup fat free cheddar cheese. 1 packet of instant oatmeal. 1 piece of whole weat toast.

Usually workout an hour or so after breakfast so lunch is post workout shake.
Blended with iso-100 protein, 6 fresh strawberries, 1/2 a banana some ice cubes and soy milk. Prolly my favorite meal taste so good.

Meal 3: 8-10 oz piece of chicken with 2 cups of broccoli. I use 1/4 a cup of organic pasta sauce on the chicken sometimes. And a handfull of almonds.

meal 5: Either tilapia, salmon, flounder, or cod. I have one of those fishes every night for dinner with mixed veggies and a cup of brown rice (a cup after its been cooked not befor)

meal 6: Casein protein befor bed.
berkat ***1087;***1100;***1103;***1085;***1099;***1077; ***1082;***1086;***1096;***1082;***1080;

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