stanozolol solution and suspension questions


Hello all. I haven't posted here before, but I have some questions for which I can't find any definative info already posted.

Anyway. I tried to get some stanozolol into solution via instructions on Basskiller's Site. all was well untill the day after when it crashed. Now, I can heat it again and it will go into solution, but I have done this three times, and it continues to crash. It looks kinda like sugar suspended in the vials after shaking.

Anyway, heating before every injection just isn't practical, so I have a couple of questions.

1. Can the crashed solution, which is now a solution/suspension, be shaken and injected, or is the crashed form unsuitable? (this is assuming you can get it through a pin. I currently don't have anything larger than a 25gauge, other than an 18, which I have no interest in harpooning.)

2. Obviously I can cap the rest of my powder in the mean time, but that is almost as time consuming.

3. Has anyone ever put Stan into an (oral only) suspension of 50/50 everclear and glycerol? Would the everclear harm the Stan in any way? I think 100% glycerol would be too damn thick.

Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

winny is tough to work with. there is nothing wrong with heating it everytime either. as a matter of fact it makes it flow better and leaves fewer knots and less soreness as long as its in oil. Winstrol (winny) will do fine in everclear @100mg/ml. it will be a suspension, so just shake well, draw off appro amount and drink away.
For states where the everclear is not available, an 80% version is sold. At least thats how it is in FL. It works well and tastes better than 151, in my opinion.
pullinbig said:
winny will do fine in everclear @100mg/ml. it will be a suspension, so just shake well, draw off appro amount and drink away.

I tried 5g Winstrol (winny) in 45ml 151 proof, but the Winstrol (winny) settles to the bottom right away when I stop shaking it, and with all the powder going to the bottom so quickly, I wonder whether I am getting an accurate dose. It would really suck to only get 20-50mg ED, until I reach the bottom of the bottle, and then I suddenly get 200-300mg ED. I know that it will always settle at the bottom, but is there a way to slow that process so that I can draw an accurate amount?
did you heat it til it clears. this seems to help seperation at later dates. i dont know why but it works for me.