Stanozolol Vs. Test - Rumble Round: 1

LOL @ injecting reforvit-b

winny only is a horrible idea, and yes even low doses of 20-25mgs ed affect your joints.
Holly shit this kid sounds like that other dick head no it all we had a couple of weeks ago..Were are they coming from. Wow 40oz you need to grow up little boy. For real.
#1 you said it 2 or 3 times. "My friend doubled in size in 6 months" 2 or 3 times you said it "Doubled in size" Do you see what your saying and how fucking dumb it sounds? Your just rambling shit out of your mouth just for the sake of it. And you make no sense and make no constructive argument what’s so ever. 1 more thing D-bol is a pil you take it by mouth. And someone already said it you balls will never hurt after 1 injection again that’s you just saying shit just to say shit.. Bro you need to remain silent and just stick around and read and learn. You know shit just like me and a lot of guys did when we first started coming around. And that’s OK but to be a responsible adult and not a little kid you need to know that and act accordingly..
i guess some guys like to act like a bad ass behind a keyboard. but for him i hope in time he gets his head out his ass and takes these words of wisdom (from you guys) more serious. before he ends up on the front page of a newspaper as another symbol of why not to do steroids.
Winny has a host of bad side effects, Its is vary hard on joints, It fucts with your liptic profile, loss of hair, and is WAY more liver toxic then Any injectable.