Start or Wait? 2nd PCT or GO?


New member
Need some opinions from the bro pros lol.

Ok so have done 2 cycles in my past.
Currently 26 Y/O
10-11% BF

1st was a 12 week sust + deca cycle with deca ending 10th week. used clomid/nolva only for pct. 1st cycle ended mid 2013

2nd was a 12 week test +dbol cycle. Mixing prop and E in first 4 weeks and all E 4-12. I used armidex towards end of cycle as nips got a little sore. PCT i dosed with the standard 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 of clomid + nolva.

The 2nd cycle ended on August 30th 2014.

Been making decent gains even tho i am a VERY hard gainer. Eat/Train/sleep well. So i decided to try a 3rd cycle.

I \always felt great after pct and was patient before next cycle so never did any blood work but this time i decided to get the blood work done before/during/and after to share results. But when i got my results back here is what i found.

Glucose, Serum 64 LOW 65-99 mg/dL 01
BUN 29 HIGH 6-20 mg/dL 01
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 30 HIGH 8-19 01
LH 4.8 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01
FSH 3.9 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01
Estradiol 13.3 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01
testosterone, Serum 286 LOW 348-1197 ng/dL 01

Now the one i am all bent out of shape over is the test obviously!
I have plenty of energy at gym. Get good wood, and would have never guessed it was that low.

Wanted to mix the cycles and do a 12 week Dbol/Test/Deca cycle.

Should i go for it and hit a heavy PCT?
I currently have HCG i can throw in and use during weeks 1-14 and dose heavy right before PCT. Also have Adex and caber during and nolva+clomid for post.

OR is it a bad idea to start. And maybe do a run with the dr scally protocol.

Im worried about roller coasting back to normal just to suppress and try to bring back again?? VS cycling and then taking PLENTY of time to bring back...
Did you ever get baseline bloods done before ever starting gear in the first place ?
If not, then who knows how far off you are.. You may have always had low test
Unfortunately no. I actually just recently found our about the Private MD labs option! Cheap. I was actually going to get results before/during/and after this cycle. But now i am worried to even start.
I think it's usually recommend to have the blood taken in the morning to get the most accurate reading. I'm not sure how much it would sway the levels but I don't think that would IMAP t the results
To me it depends if your ok with possibly having to go on trt. Running a pct or hcg blast then pct could boost the natural levels back up some maybe to at least a normal level but probably still would be on low side. Then if after that you ran another cycle and had a great pct and everything your levels I think would probably drop back to where they are now.
Your testosterone level while natty tends to be at its peak first thing in the morning

Not being fasted also affects your testosterone level.

You should get it checked again after a good night sleep ( that also affects testosterone) fasted and as early as you can get it. I wouldn't make any decisions with that result. Like said above you may have had low t all along but getting a proper result can help you make the right decision going forward.
If you got back the value of 477ng/dL, would you feel better about the situation? That's about the max you'd see given the time of day you had the draw - if you had done it first thing in the morning. (assuming typical swing of around 40% max)

If it still concerns you, hold off and get things checked out by a doctor. Health first, then play. ;)

My .02c :)
Wow so you thinkit could be 40% higher? If it was 477ng/dL i probably would not be so alarmed.
I think im going to go get another test like you said 1st thing in am Fasted.

- I really do NOT want to get stuck on trt at this age.

But if i still believe its too low and DO want to do a 3rd cycle. Would it make more sense to:

A - Try to bring Natty Test up by Doing a 2nd PCT, Cycle again, Then Heavy PCT again? or B - Straight to Cycle then Heavy PCT. Not sure which would be worse!?! :Pat:

Thanks for all the feedback
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Wow so you think if i did it in the morning, fasted it would be 40% higher? If it was 477ng/dL i probably would not be so alarmed.

I really do NOT want to get stuck on trt at this age.

But if i still believe its too low and DO want to do a 3rd cycle. Would it make more sense to:

A - Do a 2nd PCT, Cycle again, Then Heavy PCT? or B - Straight to Cycle then Heavy PCT. Not sure which would be worse!?! :Pat:

Thanks for all the feedback

As already said above you need to get an accurate test so you know what your testosterone level iIs before you start speculating on what to do next.

As usual halfwit is right on point if your concerned (which its your health) I hope you are consult a dr get an accurate picture of what's going on.
Update for anyone thats interested! I decided to try a restart to see where i could get before going on cycle again. Going with 500IU HCG EOD untill for 8 shots along with 20mg Nolva and 35mg Clomid daily. Nolva and Clomid to be run for 2 weeks after HCG as well.

"Restart" started on 4/1/15 and decided to get some blood work again to see how things were going.

Previous bloodwork as stated above: 3/27/15

Testosterone, Serum 286 348-1197 ng/dL 01
LH 4.8 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01
FSH 3.9 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01 -
Estradiol 13.3 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01

Current Results 4/13/15

Testosterone, Serum 653 348-1197 ng/dL 01
LH 2.4 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01
FSH 1.5 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01
Estradiol 30.1 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01

What do you guys think about the E2? Should i be worried about taking an AI or will the Nolva keep it at bay?
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