Start osta again, or take a break?


New member
I ran osta for 4 weeks at 20 e.d 8 months or so ago, it worked great and i love the effects, i respond very well to it. I started it up again about 4 weeks ago, but at a smaller dose (12.5 E.D) I ran it it for 2 weeks when a job opportunity opened up and I packed up and left, i got really sick on the drive out(strep throat) and stopped taking the osta but kept taking hcgen, so basically i took 2 weeks of 12.5 and stopped. That was 2 weeks ago. I want to run it for a full cycle but do i need to take a longer break first or can i hop back on? I don't feel shut down.
At that low of a dose, and at 2 weeks ago, I think you'd be find starting it back up again, provided you have enough left, which you should. If your health is back, I'd go w/ 25mg every day, dosed once in the morning. I think you'll be happier with the results.