Start tomorrow test & anavar


New member
TestE@500 mgs a week, im gonna run anavar at 80mgs a day for 25 days. should i start it when i start my test or wait 2 weeks to start anavar for max gains. also this is my first timne trying anavar so is there anything i should know? thx bros
could someone at least tell me to go to hell or something?

Go to hell!

First off, what are your stats? Anavar won't be that beneficial unless you are like 12-13% BF, and it would be better to use towards the end of your cycle. Also, do you have your pct and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ready?
yeah bro thx, im not new to aas just anavar. the 16 posts arent accurate. i have other accounts i somehow always get banned though and have to start a new one. im 6ft 210lbs.
Agree with krugger, it's a great tail to a cycle instead of a kick start imo. Stock up on taurine for the pumps, they're great in the gym - but not so great at 3am when you're trying to sleep. ;)
How long are you guys running Var for? Say a 15 week cycle of T, start around week 6 or so?
could someone at least tell me to go to hell or something?

lmfao.. thats awesome!!!

i'd suggest running it towards the end of your cycle
60mg should do you good, 80 at most, since its your first time.
just focus on your diet!