Started cycle - trying to gain lean mass, but...


DEATH to "The Club Boys"!
My appetite isn't as roaring as I thought it would be. I thought that I had created a great eating schedule for me, but I get really full half way thru my meals and have a hard time eating.

I am pretty active. 5 days a week I bike ride (medium-low impact) 6 miles. I lift hard at the gym 4 days a week. And I load trucks at my job 40 hours a week, constantly moving around sweating my ass off for about 3-5 of those hours.

I guess I should try injectable b12 and see if that works for me.

I'm trying to eat semi clean - about 70ish fat grams a day, and not to much sugar with lots of protein and lots of good carbs. My goal is about 4500 cals per day.

I don't care about overall weight gain, I just want to aim at LM and limit fat gain.

Any ideas/comments/questions?
BTW I am only going into my 3rd day of my cycle and already having hunger problems. Its all about shakes!
whats your cycle consist of if its long acting esters then it will take a while for the sides to kick in, including being hungry
bob123 said:
whats your cycle consist of if its long acting esters then it will take a while for the sides to kick in, including being hungry

200mg EOD prop/susp (100mg each)
Might add in 75mg of tren EOD, not sure yet. If I do, it will be on the days I don't take the test.
I use less water when cooking with rice.

Other than that diet adjustment takes me awhile. If you increased calories "all at once" then you did it too quickly IMO.
Looks like my fat intake is more around 100g a day instead of the 70ish I said earlier. I know i need to cut my sugar carbs and try to increase the clean carbs.