Started Helladrol Cycle... LETS DO IT!

Glad you had a good helladrol cycle....but just imagine if you took that $400 bucks and spent it on'd be fing ripped son
feel like your getting anymore defined? i really want to take helladrol and cut up trying to look around thinking about running it like you are but instead of hc generate throwing in some transaderm but not 100% yet :-/ and what is the difference between daa powder and the power chews?
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Well , I eat a lot n my diet isn't very clean . So for what I'm eatting n still able to see a few abs here n there plus veins in my shoulders n biceps, its pretty good. I'm 186 now n gains minimal fat ... I dont do cardio either. I bet if I added cardio n cleaned my diet I would rip up nicely. I'll probably lower cals these next 3 weeks n add cardio so I can shed some fat. But for my first PH I love it sooo far. I just hope I'm not benching 300 the. Soo. As I stop I go back to benching 270.
yeah hopefully not lol...i was hoping it would get me to around 180 or so im shorter then you im only 5'5 or so and weigh 170 bench is stuck at 335 :-/ hoping to get it to 375 by the end of a cycle...i don't do cardio either and im probably around 10% right now
yeah hopefully not lol...i was hoping it would get me to around 180 or so im shorter then you im only 5'5 or so and weigh 170 bench is stuck at 335 :-/ hoping to get it to 375 by the end of a cycle...i don't do cardio either and im probably around 10% right now

Well, I just started my 4th week yesterday and my bench already went up 30lbs. So with the right routine im sure u can take ur bench to the next level. And a 10 lb weight gain should be no issue, but no tellin how much is actually muscle. I've gained 14 lbs soo far but i'm sure most of that is water even tho i look fuller and bigger .
Update Day#23 Current Weight (187lbs)

I upped the dosage to 100 a few days ago. Still haven't noticed any sides but blood pressure is still around 135/77. All my lifts are still moving up but slowly, seemed like in the beginning my lifts jumped up. I added Hcgenerate yesterday so i can take it going into post cycle therapy (pct). I take all 5 caps at once in the afternoon with N2Guard. Should i spread the Hcgenerate or is 5 caps at once ok??????? I lowered my calories yesterday too so i could drop a few pounds of fat and still gain muscle slowly. Still drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of protein, and workouts are strong. I bench again on Friday and will try to Max out at 315lbs. If i could reach this goal on my cycle i will be very happy.
Update Day #26

Yesterday was Bench day and ended up getting 265x7, my beginning stats for bench was 225x6 so i'm happy to say my bench went up 40lbs and still have a little over 2 weeks of the cycle left!!! Amazing if i must say, i'm impressed at least. Next bench day i will do 2 warm up sets and straight to 275lbs. My goal is 6 reps which will take my bench to a 50lb increase.

Also for the past 5 days i been eatting at a calorie Deficit of about 1800-2000 calories a day which is funny because i'm STILL GAINING WEIGHT haha, and abs are showing a lil more. When i usually eat this low my weight drops about 6 lbs in the first week! Workouts are strong still even tho i'm eatting less. I don't take a pre wrkout often except when i'm feeling a bit tired which helps me out alot! C4 is amazing stuff...
Still no sides... Only been taking 3 caps of Hcgenerate daily. Anyways, its Shoulder day so time to GET IT!
UPDATE Day #36 (Current Weight : 188)

I started my 6th week today... upped the dose to 125mg a couple days ago. I was eatting pretty low the past 2 weeks n still gained little strength, but i'm sure if i ate at a surplus my strength gains would of been more. I decided to go back to a surplus this last week since i upped the dose. I don't have full abs like i want but i love the look i have now better then looking skinny n ripped. Anyways...

Soooo far i haven't noticed much of a body change other then more toned and muscles harder n fuller. My pumps are massive! If i noticed anything on this PH it's strength gains. My bench went up 50 lbs just in 5 weeks. I maxed out at 315 a week ago n even had a few people surrounding me like they never seen someone pick up that much weight. Guys in the gym saying how big i got in the last 2 months n even people at work noticing how big my shoulders are. I didn't notice any sides on this PH, but my hands n elbows hurt from all the weight i'm lifting now. My workouts were even better when i ate at a surplus... I felt a little weak the past week n a half but still lifted heavy.

I love this PH but can't wait to start my PCT and finish the cycle. I think my body needs a break from all the heavy lifting. I really pushed myself most days. Anyways, ill update again next week on the start of DAY 1 of Clomid
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I started my post cycle therapy (pct) yesterday, Happy to say i gained 17lbs during this cycle. Probably would of gained more, but i ate at a calorie deficit for 2 and a half weeks. I started at 173 and ended at 190. With the weight i gained i did manage to drop bodyfat too as u can tell from the picture i just uploaded thru my cycle. Maybe 1% loss which is pretty good for gaining weight. I experienced No sides what so ever and increased on All my lfts.

Beginning to Ending stats:

Bench: 225/6...........275/6 Maxed out at 315 and couldn't believe it!
Overhead: 155/6............185/5
Bent Over Row: 145/6............195/6
Squats: 185/5............275/5 I just started working legs so i have some catching up to do, but ill get there.

I didn't do deadlifts, maybe ill get into them some time soon. Other then those major lifts all the rest of my exercises went up as well.

All n all... I liked Helladrol, would i do another cycle??? Can't say i would at the moment, feel like i was just getting my diet on point sooo imma try a LONG clean bulk starting in September until March of next year and aim for 220lbs. I would recommend Hella for Strength Gains though, my strength went thru the roof. Most guys looked at me in the gym like i was nuts for pushing soo much weight, maybe the faces i made like i was in pain hahaha.

Anyways, I'm day 2 in my post cycle therapy (pct) and weight went up .5 so lefts see if i can KEEP all these gains!

post cycle therapy (pct):
Clomid 70/70/35/35
post cycle
Daa power chews
C4 for that extra boost!!!
3500 cals a day! 200-250 protein LEGGO!