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I started my post cycle therapy (pct) yesterday, Happy to say i gained 17lbs during this cycle. Probably would of gained more, but i ate at a calorie deficit for 2 and a half weeks. I started at 173 and ended at 190. With the weight i gained i did manage to drop bodyfat too as u can tell from the picture i just uploaded thru my cycle. Maybe 1% loss which is pretty good for gaining weight. I experienced No sides what so ever and increased on All my lfts.
Beginning to Ending stats:
Bench: 225/6...........275/6 Maxed out at 315 and couldn't believe it!
Overhead: 155/6............185/5
Bent Over Row: 145/6............195/6
Squats: 185/5............275/5 I just started working legs so i have some catching up to do, but ill get there.
I didn't do deadlifts, maybe ill get into them some time soon. Other then those major lifts all the rest of my exercises went up as well.
All n all... I liked Helladrol, would i do another cycle??? Can't say i would at the moment, feel like i was just getting my diet on point sooo imma try a LONG clean bulk starting in September until March of next year and aim for 220lbs. I would recommend Hella for Strength Gains though, my strength went thru the roof. Most guys looked at me in the gym like i was nuts for pushing soo much weight, maybe the faces i made like i was in pain hahaha.
Anyways, I'm day 2 in my post cycle therapy (pct) and weight went up .5 so lefts see if i can KEEP all these gains!
post cycle therapy (pct):
Clomid 70/70/35/35
post cycle
Daa power chews
C4 for that extra boost!!!
3500 cals a day! 200-250 protein LEGGO!