Started my first cycle couple questions


I been running testo-c from genshi labs along with .4 units of hcg.. this is the middle of my 3rd week and I feel somewhat sluggish? Is this normal? I don't have any signs of high e2 and I was waiting until my 4th week to get labs done. Starting to think maybe the test is bad quality? Not sure like I said my first time.. I'm on TRT normally so I kinda know how I feel when my test is low it's a similar feeling

I was just curious if this is normal? How should I feel 3 weeks in?
Are you getting enough rest? Are you overtraining? Are you taking in enough calories? How bout water intake?

So many people think they have bunk gear when it's actually one of the things listed above.
Are you getting enough rest? Are you overtraining? Are you taking in enough calories? How bout water intake?

So many people think they have bunk gear when it's actually one of the things listed above.

Same ? Anon is asking what ur diet look like how much sleep do u get and how long are ur workouts brother
1 we would like to know your full stats.
2 second layout your entire cycle
3 Are you taking an AI, you say you have no signs of high E2 , what do you think fatigue is. Are you knowledgeable in all the sides of high "E" and low

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues

Low Estrogen Side Effects:

- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue...EXTREME
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life
Other than sluggish I don't feel any of the other signs of low or high e2

I'm taking 500 mg test c with .4 units hcg per week

I'm 215 lbs eating 3800 calories a day I just upped it to 4100 this week

I'm doing a basic upper lower split 6 days a week

I get normally 7 to 8 hrs of sleep and drink a gallon of water a day

I'm not taking any AI at the moment I do have some on hand though..
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Please, what are your stats.
history of training


Layout your cycle:
weeks and compounds and PCT
Not more than normal erections or higher libido, LIke I said I'm normally on TRT 180mg test c a week with .4 units hcg, I just upped the test to 500mg test c, I never took an AI I started to years ago when I first started trt and it dropped my e2 way low so my dr said I didn't need the AI, I got some just in case it went up while raising test
Do you have a physical job?

I know when I'm grinding at work. My job is very physical. There is no way I can train six day's and not feel tired on only 7-8 hours of sleep. For me when I'm working alot which is during the warm months I just train 3 days a week.

That's just me though.

Listen to mike he knows the ins and outs of aas
3 weeks is when the "feeling" if u will, or the benefit s become noticeable. But since ur on trt you ll not I m o get the full blown 1 st cycle like effect most feel but that s me.

Kind of like if a hot chick has been blowing u and jerkin u off for years ( trt )...and u finally nailed it. Feels good sure but u ve sort already had her....savvy ?