started my M1T


New member
I started my M1T two days ago at 15mg/day, I had the greatest arm workout ever last night, I felt stronger than I have in a long time. I'll keep you guys updated to actually see if this stuff is as good as some people say.
I've had 2 workouts on it and felt stronger than ever, amazing workouts. I feel very tired, like I havn't slept in days but when I hit the gym I'm a machine. I'm excited to see if my weight goes up and by how much? I'll post tomorrow on here with any updates.

I am interseted to see another persons results while using the M1T. Its seems that about 90% of the people trying it out for the first time like it and have seen pretty good results. What brand M1T are you using?
I'm using Advanced Methyl Technologies M1T. I did my shoulder workout last night and was strong but it was hard for me to shake the tired feeling. I was up almost 3LBS last night. One thing I hate though is being tired. I was 4 hours late to work today because I had a lot of trouble waking up. This is my 4th day and already picked up a couple pounds so I'm happy and can deal with being tired. I wanna see what gains I get in the next couple days or week. My elbows hurt from being able to do such a heavy tricep workout 2 nights ago but it was an amazing workout so I'm willing to deal with it. I'll keep you guys updated.
I can't tell because I started my M1T after I started my Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I had joint pain from working out alone so it's hard to say. I've been good ever since though.
fatigue and cramping are some sides with m1t. i did a 4 week cycle at 25mg/d and just felt bad the whole time so i came off. gained 13lbs and strength went up but so did my BP so gave it up. potent stuff. maybe too potent.
Day 6 and up about 5lbs, for me that's some awesome gains in 6 days but man I am soooo tired, it must be from the M1T because I sleep enough. I'm right now at work and I'm so tired that I think I might go home sick just to sleep, I'm not kidding. I heard someone say upping the water intake might help with the tired feeling.
yeah when i was on i was sooooo tired

next time which could be soon i will have to up the carbs to my diet by at least 100g per day so hopefully that will give me more energy but we will see
I drink at least a gallon of water every day, my diet is good, not enough calories but around 3000-3500 calories a day. 200-3
00 grams of protein, I eat as much as I can but not regularly as i should due to my job. I lift 5 times a week, one muscle/night, double up tris and bis.
M1T update for day 7. Last night I weighed my self at 8lbs heavier. I did not expect that much that fast but that's awesome. I don't know if its water weight or what, I'm gonna be excited to see what stays once I'm off.
you're right but I always work out at night and always weighed my self at that time, so it should be an acurate reading. Before a week ago I never weighed anything ever above 180lbs, last night I was over 188lbs.
How do you take your doses of M-1t throughout the day? I'm gonna start with 10mg a day but i dont know if i should take 10 at a time or do you split it up? Whats the best way of doing this cycle? Any advice would be a great help!

I'm doing 15mg/day, I take a 5mg tab every 8 hours and it's working great for me. I'm still up about 8lbs, i don't feel or seem to be bloated but we'll see what I end up keeping.