Starting a bulk at age 36

OP as was just said...You run an AI to control Estrogen. I posted the sides for you. Your E2 will climb on 500mg. Very few people can run 500mg Test and NOT use an AI. Understand that it is preventative medicine as well as a controller. YOUR E2 will NOT be in check when you do 500mgs test. GET IT !!

You should start the cycle with .25mgs Adex EOD and go from there with monitoring yourself and BW. Bloat and Gyno are just a few. AI's are not to ON HAND it is to be used. Again to all the noobies WHY, JUST WHY the FVCK do you guys not wanna run and AI. It IS...get that IT IS the most common and for most one of the most important chemical to go with a cycle. The AI has NOTHING to do with your PCT.

You need to read up and UNDERSTAND these things

Perfectly put ! I'm sorry I didn't get deeper and explain why we need to run an ai throughout the whole cycle. I just automatically shut down on the post once I realized he must not of read the stickys well. This is our life and body guys! Wouldn't you want to cycle as safe as you can ? Longevity wins the race!
I found a problem guys :dunno: My blood work total testosteron shows 198 and minim is 245 and max 1600 of reference scale. What should i do?
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I talk to my doc and he said is not a problem. About a week ago i use 2 days of turinabol 50mg per day when i was in a training mission. This is why my test level is low. Now i'm ready to start my cycle on Monday. It is good too add turinabol at 30mg per day for 6 weeks until the test kicks in? Of course i will use Arimidex from the beggining. Any advise of my cycle will be great :)
I talk to my doc and he said is not a problem. About a week ago i use 2 days of turinabol 50mg per day when i was in a training mission. This is why my test level is low. Now i'm ready to start my cycle on Monday. It is good too add turinabol at 30mg per day for 6 weeks until the test kicks in? Of course i will use Arimidex from the beggining. Any advise of my cycle will be great :)
Ummm yeah if you would have told me that you took some tbol before your test there would have been no question why your test levels were down. The tbol started to shut you down. Your kind of all over the place bro. I've gave enough advice. Do some more research.
Ok guys. I'm in 3 weeks cycle now on testosterone enanthate and turinabol. I put on 12 pounds since. It is normal? What do u think?