Starting post cycle therapy (pct) after over a year of Testosterone Use- Labs Done- Need Help


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Starting PCT after over a year of Testosterone Use- Labs Done- Need Help

So a little background. Started using cypionate a little over a year ago. I ran between 500-1000 mg a week for over a year with a few months of tren and eq and a few months of deca. I decided to come off and I am doing it the right way ( I think). I had labs done on the day of my last injection to see on cycle labs. And i had labs done yesterday which was 3 weeks of being off. I did hcg 500iu 2 times a week the last 6 months of cycling. Testicles are normal size from what I can remember. I did hcg 1000iu eod for the first 2 weeks of coming off. and I felt better during these two weeks than I had the last few months of cycling. Starting 2 weeks after i stopped the cyp and after 2 weeks of hcg administration i started nova 40/40/20/20. It is the end of the first week of nova 40mg a day and This week has been rough! No wood, except for this morning. Not able to achieve erections and EXTREMELY depressed.

On cycle: done on the day of my last injection
test serum >1500 ng/dl
fsh <0.2 LOW
lh <0.2 LOW
Estriadol 31.2 normal...........I felt great for two weeks after these labs

Labs done 3 weeks after stopping and 2 weeks of hcg and done with first week of nolva at 40 mg.
test serum 332 LOW
fsh 0.2
lh <0.2
estriadol 20.1 normal............

right now i feel like a woman pretty much. Yesterday was a lot better and for the first time in 5 days i slept last night. I had a terrible couple of days after the first 3 days of nolva so i stopped taking it for two days and i actually feel better. But my fsh and LH are low low low. Suggestions? I plan to resume the nolva and finish up 40/40/20/20
Any help suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I plan for this to be my last post cycle therapy (pct) as I want to start a family and pursue different goals other than bodybuilding. Thanks!