Starting Sarmssearch LGD S4 stack Sunday


New member
First time trying Sarms. Haven't done real cycle since Good ole Beetlejuice got popped back in '05 or '06. Starting weight 190 5'11"" not sure about bf%. Going for 8 weeks at 10mg and 50mg respectively. Looking to add maybe a good quality 10 pounds by the end. Clomid Nolva afterwards. I'm status post lower back surgery for herniated disc and still have a collapsed disc in lower back therefore many exercises I cannot do such as squats, military press, standing calf raise or anything that pushes or pulls straight down on my spine. Let's see what happens!
i did an LGD and Osta cycle last year and loved it. only put on 8lbs but my strength went up dramatically. good luck
Good luck! You will love S4. I am currently dosing it 100mg a day. This is my 8th week on S4. I upped the dose slowly every week. I have no side effects other than night darkness(which is not a big deal). With S4, you will notice visible veins, muscle harness and great pumps in the workouts. I definitely am happy with S4. Great for Cutting, Recomp, or Bulk. I Haven't tried LGD yet as I am currently cutting. You will love the results that you get from quality source sarmssearch. Good luck on that. If you need any more info about S4 from an experienced user, let me know. I can answer with my experiences.
Started it a day early today just to start getting it on board. First workout Monday not that I'm expecting anything by then. Tastes like sh!t but not as bad as liquid cialis I had before.
Chest workout
Flat: 135 sets to warm up 215x10, 225x6 twice.
Incline: 185x8 three sets.
Decline 185x10 three sets.

Worked out in my basement so no spotter. I've been working out for about a month. Before my surgery back in February I was doing sets of 10 of 225 flat so I've been creeping back up to my pre surgery strength. This is day 3 of the Sarms. 10mg Lgd and 25mg s4 in mornings and another 25mg s4 before bed. Too tired today to do triceps. I'm about to pass out right now. Not sure why so tired maybe cuz it's Monday but I usually don't feel this drowsy.
I recovered from pneumonia been back on the stack for week and a half. Don't notice anything yet.

Good luck on your cycle. I noticed adjusting issue from S4 at around 2nd week. That stack is really good for bulking. I am sure you will like it.