Starving at night

B bOy CrAyOn

Learning the Ways
i notice that im the most hungry at night right around this time ... and i mean starving , like i wanna sit down and eat a whole thanksgiving dinner... i know its not good to eat a lot at night, and taking a shake before bed doe not satisfy me at all so what do you guys eat at night that will fill you up but not pack on the fat ?
I feel the same way. When Im trianing big time I love it but ive slacked off.

Wish I could be of more help.

lol... shit!.... i think id probably be a lot more lean if i didnt eat a full course meal right before bed... so i really need to hit this subject hard and find out what to eat that will satisfy me and not make me gain a bunch of fat...i really do think this is the only reason why i dont have abs, because a couple of months ago i was really strict on not eating at night and it sucked ass because i was starving every night but my abs started to come in but i finally just gave in and im stuffing myself at night again
almonds, cottage cheese, grilled lean meat, egg whites.....basically lean protein and no carbs or sugar.

U can also add efa's or flax to help slow down the digestion of the protein over-night.
thanks... so do you guys buy a carton of egg whites or somthing... or how do you seperate it from the yolk and if they do come in cartons like ive heard how much are they ?
B bOy CrAyOn said:
thanks... so do you guys buy a carton of egg whites or somthing... or how do you seperate it from the yolk and if they do come in cartons like ive heard how much are they ?
The cartons make things a lot easier. The carton's can be bought for < $2 at some stores like Wal-Mart I believe.

To seperate egg whites from the yellows, crack the egg over a cup, keeping the yolk in the cup. Dump the yolk from shell-half to shell-half, allowing all of the egg white to fall into the cup.

I used to put a couple of packets of Splenda in the cartons. I'm not a fan of plain egg whites unless they are sweetened or something.
i used to always get stoned before i come home and eat my balls off. Note : this is the worst thing you can possibly do. I have gained atleast 5-8 lbs of pure fat from just coming home and munching. EVEN if it is chicken, tuna, protien shakes, I think it's because i eat so much and then fall right asleep. My stomach hates me in the AM.

I quit that though, back to 5 meals a day, RITUALLY TO THE GRAVE
I know a PL that gets up in the night hungry and so he eats cookies with milk. And he isn't at all fat.

I completely go nuts though, like i'll cook 6 eggs, sausages and toast.
like 15 oreos, some tuna and 4 scoops of protien.

I Also could blame it on the Muscle Milk, i put down a 1lb, container in like >8 days, so idk.